Readers of Man Down Park stairs after blindly follow GPS

In another case of distracted driving, a driven man his car down the steps of a New York City Park after blindly following a GPS device.

There's a photo of the incident that took place in the floating line, Riverside Park which has been broken by someone in the Park at the time of the incident.

Various reports claim that the pilot took up its electronic guide in the Park partially down the stairs of the 88th Street. The rear wheels of the vehicle managed to stay on the sidewalk while the front wheels hovered on the early stages.

Some reports suggest that the car, with plates of Rhode Island, may have been a front-wheel drive vehicle and had to be towed from the area.

There are various safety devices aimed at improving efficiency and vehicle safety. Altogether by relying solely on a device GPS is not safe. Simply, it does not replace a driver.

Distracted driving is a serious problem that can not be taken lightly. Accident arising from drivers who do not pay attention to the road could be eliminated, but is not. Throughout the country about 3 331 were killed in 2011 in related accidents conducted distracted.

Those who use a hand-held device while driving a vehicle face dangerous risks. Drivers place themselves, their passengers and those who share the road in unnecessary danger. Statistically, they are at least four times more likely to enter the wreck, which can cause serious bodily harm or kill someone when not to use the devices.

Inexperienced drivers in 20 years have the highest proportion of related fatalities distracted by various studies. Found that engage in activities such as text messaging while driving can delay the reaction time of the driver just as severely as having a blood alcohol content of a drunk driver legally. Most understand that driving under the influence is dangerous because those who are drunk are not mental acuity or motor skills to operate a vehicle properly or to react to obstacles on the road.

The next time that you go somewhere again, review the directions before embarking on your trip. Turn off your phone and other distractions while driving and this continues until you have reached your destination and operate is no longer a vehicle. If you feel that you need to use a GPS device, set up in a way so that the directions are read aloud, this way you won't continue to look away from the road at each street.

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