New Florida International Driving Permit Law Causing Big Stir with Drivers and Lawmakers

Brace yourselves, fellow Floridians. Once again, we are susceptible to hearing the term "Flori-DUH" tossed about. This time, a combination of very little research along with a great deal of confusion is to blame. So much so, in fact, that even Florida lawmakers have found themselves apologizing, not only to Canadians but also to British and other English-speaking countries, for being "unintentionally targeted." The only thing that appears crystal clear here is that the resulting debacle was surely not the intention of Florida State Rep. Ben Albritton upon introducing the bill last year.

In an attempt to ease numerous translation complexities often experienced by police and motor vehicle employees alike when dealing with identification issues from foreign lands, a "largely unnoticed" state law (part of a large transportation bill) was passed last year, taking effect January 1, 2013. Legally known as Florida Statute section 322.04, the amended statute now requires visitors from outside the United States to obtain International Driving Permits in order to drive lawfully in the State of Florida. In other words, a foreign visitor wanting to drive in Florida must now have in his/her possession (i) a valid driver's license issued from his/her home country and (ii) an International Driving Permit (also issued from his/her country), representing the English translation of the driver's license. International Driving Permits are documents that translate driver's licenses into ten (10) different languages so that police and other necessary personnel may interpret foreign licenses with accuracy. Sounds reasonable enough, you may conclude, but what about Canada and other English-speaking countries whose licenses are already issued in the English language?

First and foremost, it is interesting to note that Florida is the only state in the nation requiring foreign drivers to maintain International Driving Permits. Secondly, keep in mind that Canadians account for the majority of Florida's international visitors, with numbers totaling 3.3 million in 2011 (followed by 1.3 million Brazilians and 1.3 million British tourists). Furthermore, more than a million Canadian snowbirds are already here in Florida for the winter season. And since the law "quietly" came into effect on January 1-without even so much as the tourism industry appearing to notice until a British journalist recently questioned the same, it is reported-the bedlam has begun.

According to reports, Florida's tourism website Visit Florida posted an article just last week warning foreign travelers that International Driving Permits are now the law in Florida, and that the law's impact on their personal auto insurance and ability to rent a car is "uncertain". The Canadian Automobile Association, in turn, immediately followed suit, alerting its Canadian citizens through websites and the like, warning its members that insurers may not pay claims for any accident they have while driving without an International Driver's Permit. "Every single time someone drives without an International Driver's Permit, it's a risk," said Kristine Simpson, public relations manager of the Ottowa Division of the Canadian Automobile Association. Resultingly, more than 20,000 permits were issued last week, with Canadians jamming CAA offices upon learning of the new law. In addition, Canadian citizens already here in Florida are turning to rush mail delivery to obtain a permit. According to Ian Jack, the CAA's government relations director, Canadians are "stupefied, frustrated and concerned." And that's only half of the story.

Adding to the confusion is Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles' recent release on their website, as follows:

"It has come to the Department's attention that this requirement [Florida Legislature amended section 322.045, Florida Statutes] may violate the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic (1949), an international treaty to which the United States is a signatory. Treaties to which the United States is a part preempt state laws in conflict with them.

Therefore, the Florida Highway Patrol will defer enforcement of violations of the amended statutory section until a final determination of the alignment of the amendment with the treaty can be made. Non-resident visitors to Florida who wish to drive while here will be required to have in their immediate possession a valid driver license issued in his or her name from another state or territory of the U.S. or from their country of residence. However, the FHP will not take enforcement action based solely on the lack of an International Driving Permit."

Florida's DHSMV spokeswoman Kirsten Olsen-Doolan indicated that as the next legislative session begins in March, "the soonest any change might happen would be July 1." However, state officials insist there is nothing to worry about. Although the law is on the books, because it may violate a portion of the Geneva Convention, it isn't being enforce4d. "We love our Canadians. They contribute to our economy. We don't want to discourage them from coming here."

Meanwhile, this matter has indeed frightened many long-term Canadian snowbirds who are now apprehensive to go anywhere in their cars right now. "My family members were panicking that I would go to jail or my insurance wouldn't cover me in the event of an accident," said Bryan Cleveland, a Toronto-area native and part-time Naples resident. "It was giving them negative connotations about the State of Florida."

Although it remains unclear when the law will officially be amended, Florida Rep. Ben Albritton was quoted as saying "This one I just missed. I want to tell the people in Canada I am sorry. If I messed something up, I am man enough to fix it."

johns Dorsan has been actively involved in Auto Insurance and Car Insurance services . He loves to pen down his experiences and thoughts related to the industry in his spare time.

Driving Laws to Remember When in Europe

It does not help that leasing a car in europe is easy because of the abundance of car rental companies that offer long term car rental to expats and tourists. While it may be exciting to drive across the various states of Europe, though, you need to keep in mind that there are driving rules that you need to follow to avoid problems with the European authorities.

Always Keep Your Documents Ready

The first rule of thumb when driving in any part of Europe is to always have your documents on the ready. Do not forget to bring your passport, health and travel insurance as well as your international driving license (IDL) and permit. Some states may not ask for the international driving license but it is still recommended to always have it with you whenever you drive. In some European states, the absence of the IDL is a grave crime and you may be persecuted if you are not able to present it when asked by authorities.

Make Sure That the Car You Will Be Using Complies with Requirements

It is not enough that you have the pertinent documents permitting you to drive across the states of Europe. You should also ensure that the car you will be using complies with the requirements asked by each of the European state. Some states may ask you to have the following in your car when driving:

First aid kitHeadlight beam converter stickersSpare bulb kitWarning trianglesProperly mounted fire extinguisherHigh viz jackets

You can ask what you need to bring on the road when leasing a car France so you will have an idea of what each state requires you to have when you enter their jurisdiction. You will be able to avoid paying huge fines and getting into trouble if you are aware of the requirements before you enter a particular European territory.

Drive on the Right-hand Side and Avoid Drinking as Much as Possible

Except when you are in Ireland or the United Kingdom, always remember to drive on the right-hand side of the road. Likewise, control your alcohol intake if you are about to drive. Some European states may allow you to drink before you drive but you have to keep it at a minimum level. Other states totally ban drinking while driving. France has even made it a compulsory requirement for all drivers to bring their own breathalyzer for testing to make sure that drivers are free from alcohol when on the road.

Europe is a foreign place and while it may offer you an array of relaxing sceneries and rejuvenating ambience, driving without following its rules may get you into trouble. As such, make it a point to follow Europe's driving rules and regulations whenever you are in its territory to avoid encountering any problem.

The Best Driving Lessons in Gold Coast

If public transportation is bad in your area, it is necessary that you learn how to drive. If you have your own car and you know how to drive, it will be more convenient for you to go to places. You can travel around the city much faster and much more comfortably.

It could also depend on where you love but having a personal ride usually takes a lot less effort and time. It is more practical and definitely more efficient. While in some places, owning a car is either a privilege or a luxury, sometimes it becomes a necessity. This happens if you live in an area with limited or non-existing public transport.

But even if you don't like to drives (some people just don't) and you don't plan on owning a car, driving skills can still be useful. For example, an emergency happens and you are the only person around who is capable to drive. Wouldn't it be bad if you didn't know how?

When disaster strikes and you have to evacuate immediately but the rest of your companions are injured, it will be up to you to bring them to safety. Or perhaps there is a medical emergency and you have to take a loved one to a hospital, knowing how to drive can really save the day. It's just plain common sense.

If you want to learn how to drive, take the lessons from a pro. Visit Force 1 Driving School in Gold Coast. They offer the best driving lessons at reasonable rates. The instructors are professionals so you can be sure about the lessons they give.

Why hire a professional? It is not uncommon to ask driving lessons from a friend or a family member. But learning from a professional driving instructor will give you more confidence about your skills. Not only will they teach you how to drive safely but they can also teach you road rules and driving etiquette and even give you tips to become defensive driver. Professional driving instructors are also patient in teaching their students.

Force 1 Driving School offers such services and more. They are open every day from early in the morning to late in the evening and in any weather. They also provide pick-up as well as drop-off services for the convenience of their students.

Driving Lessons - Choosing the Best Driving School

So, you are looking for the best driving schools for yourself or some of your loved ones who want to learn driving? Which is the best school? While most of the schools can offer you with quality driving lessons but you should still do a lot of research to find the best driving schools in Towcester.

Get Quality Lessons At The Right Driving School

Have a look at some of the following points when you are looking for quality lessons:-


From car drivers to motorcycle drivers, truck drivers, commercial truck drivers, you should make sure that our chosen school offers training to all. Remember, school drivers always require special training and so you should check with the school whether they provide this special training before choosing them for driving lessons.

Target Audience

Every school has a specific target audience. Check whether your school has a specific target audience such as teenagers or senior citizens. If "yes", you should first check whether it fits your criteria and then proceed with it. There is always a different between the training for teenagers and seniors.

If you are handicapped, you should first check whether they offer driving lessons in Northampton for the handicapped people. In case, they don't provide special training for the handicapped people, you should look for some other school/professional instructor.

Years In Business

While it's not true that a school which has been in the business can always ensure you with quality services but it's definitely one of the best ways to ensure that they have made a good amount of profit and so staying in the business from a long time.

Cost Of Your Driving Lessons

Compare all the driving lessons offered by the different schools. To avoid any nasty surprises, you should read the fine prints because it includes the unexpected expenses. Always pay attention the hidden charges before making the final call. Also, some of the schools offer special discounts on the services. So, you may also ask for the special offers.

In case, you are a little tight on budget, you may opt for the online lessons offered by many institutions or individual instructors. Comparing all the different options, you can choose the best driving deal.


Read the check list to choose the best school you are looking for. Remember, there are many fake schools around there and so you should keep your eyes and ears open to make the right choice. Considering all the tips discussed in this post, you can now choose the best driving class.

Happy Driving!

Everything You Need to Know, Calgary Driving School Teaches it!

With luxury increasing its pace, the numbers of automobiles running on the roads are increasing exponentially. None compares to a feeling of driving a car on an awesome road in an awesome weather. But to enjoy that you need to know the skill of driving. To be an authentic and legitimate driver you need to have a driving license.

Driving does not go with hit and trial method. One needs to learn first before you actually drive the car. How can you drive if you don't know how to control an automobile? The foremost step before driving is engaging you with the best driving lessons obtain a valid driver's license. The license can be obtained by taking an exam designed to test the knowledge about traffic rules and regulations. After a theoretical exam, you may have to appear for a practical exam wherein you have to prove yourself a good driver.

The best way to learn is finding a Calgary driving school and make you accessible to some information that is required for driving lessons. The only trustworthy way to learn is to find a professional instructor in a driving school.

The school instructors are always a better way because they are experienced in this field and there a sense of assurance that will surely help you learn. Look out for a reasonably priced learning program and always pay for whatever you get.

Before you join a Calgary driving school to learn best driving lessons, enlighten yourself with the traffic rules and regulations required for driving a car on the roads of Calgary.

Appropriate hand signals

This would help you to make the fellow motorcyclists or cyclists or drivers to understand about what are you about to do. As per the legal instruction a shoulder check needs to be made before giving out any hand instruction.

Scanning the road

If you are interested in changing the lane while driving make sure you can the road before making any such move.

Never forget the mantra, see and be seen.

This mantra is followed to avoid the accidents, as make sure the headlights of the car always intact and working. Never forget the red tail lights of your care. Whenever the visibility is poor, make sure that you are wearing reflecting clothes to encourage "to be seen".

Intersections demand extra attention

Intersections are always prone to accidents so they demand extra attention. Always be cautious about the vehicle turning.

Look out for doors

Always watch out for the doors of the car parked, they can open anytime and damage would cause at both the ends.

Safety Tips for Hauling a Camper or RV

Spring time is here which means the vacationing can begin. Families, graduates, and travelersare planning road trips to through wine country, to the coast, and more! When long road trips are on the itinerary, it is common for the voyage to include some type of towing or hauling. Common things to tow on road trips are boats, campers, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, and more. When this is in the plan, be sure to catch up on some safety tips for towing one of these commodities before starting your journey. Making sure everyone and everything on board is safe is the most important part of towing and RV or camper. Continue reading to learn the most common and basic tips for novice towers planning to hit the open road. Weight Capacity and Distribution Always be sure to consider the weight capacity of your vehicle, and the distribution of all items inside the haul. This is very important in order to prevent a multitude of accidents on the road, as well as, damage to the vehicles. Your camper or RV should have come with a manual or guide. In here, you can find the total weight of the vehicle you are planning to tow. With this number in mind, compare it to the weight of the vehicle doing the towing. The heavier your vehicle is, the larger the load it can haul. If you have a lighter vehicle, it will only be able to tow light loads. On the same topic, not only does your load weight need to be an appropriate match to your vehicle's towing capacity; it is important to evenly distribute the weight in both vehicles. Many people pack up their cars, trucks, or mini vans with luggage and supplies for their vacation; however, it is common and convenient to also pack up the camper or RV with supplies and other cargos. This is perfectly safe and acceptable so long as the weight ratios remain similar. Packing too much in the camper or RV can outweigh the vehicle towing it, causing distress on the hitch and the vehicle doing the hauling. Be careful when considering how to pack for a trip while hauling an RV or camper. It is vital to purchase and use the correct towing hitch for the type of haul you'll be performing. It should be able to hold the total trailer weight of the RV or camper. A stabilizer bar is another tool that can greatly reduce the chances of swaying and swerving on the road. It is highly recommended to use a stabilizer bar along with your tow hitch to ensure a safe and secure ride. If you are unsure about which tow hitch to use, ask a professional for advice. They can give you accurate information about using proper tow hitches, for free. Simply tell them what you are planning to haul, which vehicle is doing the hauling, and the weight of both. They can give you accurate information on which tow hitch to use. You can call a professional towing company, or a retail company that specializes in tow hitches and related towing accessories. Once you have the right hitch, it is helpful to simply back the vehicle up to the front of the RV or camper. The towing ball should be set directly under the hitch. Then you can lower the hitch over the ball and complete all the necessary connections. For example, the RV or camper latch must be secure and connected properly, safety chains should be used to provide extra security, and break systems should be tested and inspected before any departures. Sarahbeth Kluzinski Photo For more information about properly towing a camper or RV, call Zore's Towing in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can reach a professional tow technician at 317-247-8484 day or night. You can also visit their website at for details about their Indianapolis towing services. For over 80 years, Zore's has been serving Hoosiers with courteous and professional customer service. They are happy to offer free estimates, general information, DIY advice, discounts, and much more. You can ask them anything at all; from what to do if your car has just been towed, to how to connect a tow hitch to your boat trailer. Call Zore's Inc. today for details about towing services, and hauling a camper or RV safely in Indianapolis, IN. Rate this Article

Safety Tips for Hauling a Camper or RVNot Rated Yet

Sarahbeth Kluzinski has published 21 articles. Article submitted on July 02, 2013. Word count: 601

Choosing from the large variety of pickup bed covers is easier if you keep several tips in mind. Getting a tonneau cover that meets your needs is not so difficult.

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The article describes the different types of folding campers available in the market and the essential things that you need to keep in mind for maintaining them. The increasing demand of campers in the recent times has left people confused and amazed on the types of campers available in the market a

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Being retired does not guarantee that you are a safe driver. You might have more experience than some of the younger generation, but there are still accidents that happen and even new concerns that you should be aware of. As you age, you should be sure to keep up on traffic safety.

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It seems as if most safety tips concerning the purchase of used vehicles for sale are directed at the buyer, not the seller. As a private seller, you are also at risk of getting a "raw deal" or getting "duped" - just like a buyer. What can you do to protect yourself and your vehicle?

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Halo Projector Headlights For Safe And Comfortable Driving

It is close to impossible to drive the car without headlights in the dark. If you own a vehicle and do not have headlights then it is very difficult to ride it after sunset. There are different kind of lights that are installed in the car such as brake lights, tail lights, angel eye headlights, halo lights and many more. There is wide range of headlights that are available in the market to amplify the looks of the car and for safety. The headlights are designed in order to illuminate the road, permitting you to drive safe in the night. To assist the car lovers, halo projector headlights are considered as the revolution in automobile industry. They are also known as angel eye headlights and are the best kind of lights for better illumination. Their design is so elegant that ensures a modern and sporty look to your car. As they are made simple, so it is easy to install them without any complications. Hence, installing the lights is fairly easy and cost efficient way to make your car more remarkable than ever before.

Halo projector headlights have a very strong beam that allows you to see even the small objects that come in your way. These lights will give you the feeling of the day light even in tough weather conditions during the monsoons and winters. In the foggy and snowy days the lights make your path visible and more clear as the beam of the light cuts the fog coat. Well as these lights beautify your car and protect you from a mishap that is why it is the first choice of many people across the world. They are available in different designs, colors and shapes so you can decide to choose them according to your requirements. There are many reputed companies that manufacture them and the lights can be bought directly from their stores. If you are unable to find them, search the web to find out different online shops and stores from where the lights can be purchased. The main reasons why the lights are becoming more and more popular are:

They do not heat up early.These are available in multiple colors.They are highly robust and reliable.They are designed according to OEM guidelines.These lights are usually SAE and DOT approved.They have a long life as they do not use fragile filament.Their functioning is dependent on the latest technology.They concentrate light beam at the appropriate position.They are shock free, water defiant and climate challenging.The material used in them also provides these lights protection from UV Rays.

To summarize, these are the most important reasons, why most of the car lovers desire to get a pair of halo headlights for their car. Hence appreciate the need of sufficient headlights and adopting an appropriate fit for your car will unquestionably make sure your safety on the road at nights.

Buy tax free aftermarket, led, euro, anzo, angel eye & halo projector headlights with lens covers at surprisingly prices and free shipping. Rate this Article

Halo Projector Headlights For Safe And Comfortable DrivingNot Rated Yet

Gilbert De Fernandes has published 13 articles. Article submitted on June 11, 2013. Word count: 477

There's a thin line between safe and hazardous driving, and a vehicle's brakes can make all the difference. Under ideal circumstances, a responsible driver would have their brakes checked regularly; however, many vehicle owners do not take these precautions until it is too late.

Written by: Andrea Avery

People live a busy life schedule these days. There are situations when you have to travel from one place to another every now and then. People hit the road driving cars to meet the demands of everyday life. In such cases, driving skills matter a lot based on the geographical area of the place.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Are you planning to buy a new car? You'll find used car dealers in Phoenix where all types of cars are available for sale. The cars that are being offered on sale are worthy spending your money because of various reasons.

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If you are planning a holiday with your much-loved animal friend, a little planning can help you, your family and your pet can enjoy a safe and enjoyable journey with minimal problems.

Written by: Laura Ginn

Teen Driving - You Just Got In a Car Accident, Now What?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle accidents are the No. 1 leading cause of death for teens ages 16 to 19. Chalk it up to driving inexperience, chalk it up to an increased chance of distracted driving (i.e. texting while driving, eating while driving, etc.) and also credit a more aggressive driving mindset for this trend - the fact is that teens are about three times more likely to be in a fatal car crash, let alone any car crash, than drivers 20 and older.

Knowing these fatal car crash statistics, it should also come as no surprise that teens are more likely to be involved in any type of accident for the reasons we mentioned above, specifically in the summer months and on weekend evenings. Getting in an accident can also be scary and alarming, so with that being said, if you're a new driver, do you know what to do and how to act if you've been involved in a car accident, no matter how minor?

Here's a quick how-to guide of what you should do and what you should absolutely not do:


Assess the situation: The first thing you should do after a car accident is assess the situation. Make sure that you and any other passengers in your vehicle are OK. If you are, then follow the same procedure for any other cars involved in the accident. The first priority should be safety. If there's any hint of any serious or life-threatening injury, the first thing you should do is call 911.Call the police/get names of witnesses: After you've assessed the situation, then call the police. A police report is crucial toward officially documenting the accident and eventually assigning fault to the driver deemed responsible for causing it if you reside in a state that follows the "tort" auto insurance system. At the same time, you should get the names of any witnesses who can help relay what they saw and help the police assign fault. In tort states, the at-fault driver is responsible for all damages incurred in an accident, so it's important to get the fault part of things correctly.Examine the damage: Finally, analyze your damage. Take pictures with your smartphone of the damage. This acts as a sort of evidence in a situation like this, which can help in filing the police report as well as in filing insurance claims.


Blame the other driver: Don't play the blame game. Act cool, calmly and collectively - at least to the best of your ability - in dealing with the situation. Pointing fingers and screaming at the other driver about things isn't going to get you nowhere, except for maybe in a fight. So be cooperative, both with others who were involved in the accident and with the police after they arrive.Accept fault/blame: If you live in a state that operates under the "tort," or at-fault, auto insurance system, never, ever, ever accept blame or fault at the scene of the accident. The police will sort this part out and you immediately accepting blame or fault will more than likely end with you being deemed guilty of causing the accident, meaning that all damages will be paid for by your insurance company.As one of the leading car dealers in Oklahoma City, David Stanley Dodge strongly encourages that all drivers, especially teens, to drive safely. Rate this Article

Teen Driving - You Just Got In a Car Accident, Now What?Not Rated Yet

Gina A Jennings has published 2 articles. Article submitted on June 04, 2013. Word count: 544

If you are looking for Hyundai dealers in Phoenix, Arizona, you've probably come across a number of deals which seem too good to be true or so wonderful that you like to buy the car right now.

Written by: Charlie Scott Howard

When you're thinking of getting used cars lots of people seem to be scared of making a decision.

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Passing a driving test, just like any other test, can cause an immense amount of anxiety and it is this very anxiety that keeps most people from performing well once they resume their position behind the steering wheel.

Written by: Laura Ginn

There are amount of methods to keep you away from things like the car accidents but whenever you come across such situation you are necessary to carry out a quantity of things. It is often arduous to action in a appropriate way especially when you meet a car accident.

Written by: Jillian Clinton

Finding a School for Intensive Driving Schools in Bristol

There are times when you wish to learn how to drive but have limited time. This may happen in either of the following situations:

You have been offered a new job, but you would only be hired if you know how to drive.You are a student and wish to learn during your vacation.You think you can practice better when you are with friends or family. In this scenario, you may insist on getting intensive lessons right when you begin so that you can practice later.

Nevertheless, in any of the situations, what you need to do is to find a driving school that offers intensive driving courses in Bristol or wherever you are. Here's how you can find a good one:

Always look for a school that caters to your specific needs. For instance, if you wish to talk half of your lessons in the very begging, thereby saving some time, which you can use to practice with friends, you should be allowed to do so. In this case, the school must agree that you would be taking the remaining classes just one or two weeks before you appear for the test.Also, the driving school must have various courses for you to choose from. So, even if you need intensive tuition in chosen weeks, it should be a possibility.Make sure that the school has a clear cut fee structure. How much does a standard lesson cost? How much do you need to pay to the school if they book a practical test on your behalf? Are there extra charges for using the tuition car for your practical test? If the standard lesson commences in the evening, do you need to pay more? You should have the answers to all the questions.Furthermore, if you are to pay before the start of the first lesson, which is a common practice in case of intensive driving courses in Bristol, you should be told about it.Interestingly, you can choose a good driving school by taking an introductory assessment before you start with any of the courses. The assessment is not only good for you but also for the instructor as they get to know the level of instruction that you need and the hours you need to put in. However, make sure that the amount charged for this assessment is adjusted in case you choose the school and decide to opt for one of the courses.Rate this Article

Finding a School for Intensive Driving Schools in BristolNot Rated Yet

Jacy Williams has published 48 articles. Article submitted on June 06, 2013. Word count: 399

One of the biggest societal changes hitting the world like a storm is the rapid boom in automobile technology. No one has the time or patience to wait for public transport and cars have become a necessity rather than a luxury nowadays.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Sometimes we may find ourselves breaking the law while driving accidentally and the fact is that we are all likely to commit a driving offence at some point in our driving career, however minor.

Written by: Lara Moreton

Driving Schools are initiated to train and develop a fully professional driver to perform his duties in trucking industry of New York, United States of American.

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With a bad winter on it's way and councils cutting their road maintenance budget it could be a rough ride for driving instructors this season. With speed bumps and greater numbers of potholes in the road the tuition car may take some damage this winter.

Written by: Russell Chaplin

Good Reasons To Make The Switch To New Rebounding Traffic Bollards

It would be wonderful if we could generally operate on the belief that accidents aren't going to take place, but when we do, it tends to end up worse for us when something does go wrong. The same principle is the reason we have things such as seatbelts, which can be somewhat uncomfortable, but are definitely worth it if we get in an accident, literally saving lives. Roadside barriers and traffic bollards are yet another way that we can prepare ourselves in the event of a disaster. There are many useful applications for bollards. Whereas a marine bollard is a vertical post to which a rope is tied to moor a vessel at a dock, land bollards are almost all used to hamper the passage of automobiles. In some cases, a bollard will keep automobiles from unintentionally entering a pedestrians-only area. A bollard may also be used to stop unauthorized vehicles from entering high-security zones. While some serve as a guideline for parking or for a single vehicle to use as a reference, bollards which are designed for traffic use are usually defined as such because they manage the flow of multiple moving vehicles. What this can normally mean is that bollards will be hit more infrequently, but will take a lot more impact when they do.

A traditional bollard that is constructed from cement will shatter when the post is hit by an automobile traveling at a high enough speed. Removing the remains of a destroyed bollard, especially one that is buried slightly in the ground, can be far more trouble than putting in the new bollard. A bollard that is used for traffic, compared to one that is used for parking, must be sturdier to compensate for the extra impact it must endure. Like its smaller cousin, a larger bollard can have a similar design. The ability to angle somewhat under impact and then return to their original vertical position is an element that is built into newer more innovative bollard designs. These bollards do not need to be immediately replaced when they take a significant impact because their structural stability is able to remain intact.

The elastomer inside of each bollards base is the key to these rebounding bollards. When it's hit, at an angle that is not greater than twenty degrees, or less than a quarter of a right angle, this highly elastic material allows the post to tilt. This absorbs enough of the kinetic energy from a typical impact to keep the bollard intact, and because the elastic material returns to its original shape in very little time, the bollard is ready for use again very quickly. These bollards also cause a lot less damage to the automobiles that hit them, which is a big relief to the drivers that hit them. Roads tend to change.

Cities are constantly going through growth and change and as this occurs, one part of town may thrive as another falls into disrepair and one road becomes less used as another brand new road takes its place. If you ever discover that you have a need to relocate one or more of these rebounding bollards, the bollards' design will make this job much easier than with standard bollards. Additionally, their construction does not require that the complete structure be taken apart if a single damaged part needs to be replaced. If you had been having problems with the old style of bollard, then out with the old and in with the new. Experience the benefits of rebounding traffic bollards by finding an internet retailer today.

Greatly enhanced flexible traffic bollards has helped lower the velocity of damage as well as problems for automobiles as well as people. Rate this Article

Good Reasons To Make The Switch To New Rebounding Traffic BollardsNot Rated Yet

Megan Gerlach has published 1 article. Article submitted on August 12, 2013. Word count: 595

Used cars are the most searched and demand products but they are having some of the prime features that can make the buyers more enthusiastic and can enrich them with economical deals. Here are the details that can make it possible to make cheap car buying easier in USA.

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Everyone has a dream to make the online trucking website best truck junction, but it demands some sincere efforts and aggressive approach. Some of the leading requirements are the wider availabilities of trucks like the semi trucks, dump trucks, lifted trucks and tow trucks.

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There are a vast majority of people who feel that since they are careful, courteous and law abiding citizens' defensive driving courses are not applicable for them. But this is a highly redundant notion since the techniques taught helps not only to take responsibility...

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Repair technology has improved, and a professionally applied polymer-based resin can often make the window look nearly as good as new.

Written by: Martin Mallett

Selecting the Best Driving School

Your son is all 18 now and wants to learn driving. So what do you need to do? Obviously, you will admit him to a driving school. But, how will you select one for him? Learning to drive is not at all an easy task and could even prove fatal sometimes. Besides, it can cost you your precious time and money as well. So before you finalise any driving school and risk yourself or your loved ones precious life and money you need to keep certain things in mind:

Check School Authorization- Always check if the driving school is government authorized or not. Ask for their license and certificates for the same and if they hesitate in showing that simply walk out and go to some other driving school.

Customers Review- Ask with your friends and relatives if they know about any good driving school and seek their reviews on the same. Always select older schools which are in service since last few years rather than selecting a new one.

Check Instructors Qualification- Always check instructor's qualification and total training experience. Ask them about the total training experience of the driving instructor and whether he/she is a certified trainer or not. -Instructor's gender- Check if the instructor is a male or female as many of you might not feel comfortable getting trained under the opposite gender.

Meet the Instructor- Ask the driving school to fix a meeting with the instructor. Discuss with him/her about your requirements and see if he/she agrees to what you want and if he/she can deliver that or not. In the meantime, you should also check about how friendly the instructor is. Ultimately he/she is the one who is responsible for the training. His friendly behavior can be a great boost to your confidence while learning.

Check the Cars- Ask them about the cars on which they will train you. Secondly, check if the cars have dual control or not. Dual control helps the trainer apply emergency brakes and control the vehicle in case of any emergency.

Hours of Training- Get a complete detail on the course curriculum and the number of hours the school will train you and if you will be able to learn driving within that time or not. If not, then will they train you more and at what extra cost.

Cost of Training- Check the total cost of training. Besides, compare the cost of training of several other driving schools as this will help you in negotiating well after you finalize the school. One more thing that you need to always keep in mind is that the cheapest school is not necessarily the best.

Methods to Subside The Storm of Sleep While Trucking In The Night!

Trucking filled with adventure, you are safe till you are alert and if you slip the other side, you are in danger. Biggest risk of accidents is massively increasing day by day. Reasons are many to specify, but prevention is better than cure!

Truckers should be honored for their hard work, dedication and the love they have for the nation. There are no timings followed for trucking. Any day, any time work keeps flooding in. You need to be prepared for all the consequences coming your way. However, delivery is done on time, no matter it is morning or evening.

However, if there is an urgent delivery to take place, night trucking cannot be ignored. Here are some accepted ways to keep you stirring all night.

Understanding the limitations of your body before fixing up the night trucking.Cling to singing, hearing songs or murmuring something all night to keep your sleep away. You can also indulge in few dance steps if you are fond of dancing at the truck stop. (No dancing on the road like we read in fiction books though!).Get a companion, friend or your spouse to share the distance together or simply someone to accompany you all the way till your destination.Indulge in light meals rather than fixing a heavy meal. Usually, heavy meals should be avoided as it brings down your body pace and finally, leading to tiredness. Grabbing healthy snacks from time to time would indeed help you in staying awake.Go for Driver's Alarm, an instrument like which fits in your ears perfectly. It would start beeping as your neck inclines down due to sleep.Keep your side window open. The chill passing air will not let you sleep.Short walk can act marvelous while you are retreating yourself midway.It is recommended to catch good sleep during the day time and the night before so that sleep would be no where around you while driving. You are likely to eliminate accidents as well.

Drinking Would Keep Your Sleep Away... Check Out The Beverages You Can Consume While Driving:

Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant, temporarily warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness. It is highly recommended and also found effective. (Do take up a detail study of caffeine before consuming it).Sip iced tea with a punch of lemon. Effective energy drink plus can give your body great relaxation.Take fruits like Apple and Banana are packed with natural energy molecules.Chewing gums make you to fight drowsiness.

You can carry spicy, hot, tasty snacks to keep munching all the way and stimulating your taste buds and mind alive.

With night trucking as a job role for the month or week, it is indeed difficult to run around and file your return to IRS. E-filing is the simplest and the easiest, less time consuming unlike paper filing. supports e-filing of various forms online. Your work is customized into simple; computer based form where you need to file in the basic business details and submits your form 2290 to IRS and choosing the method of payment.

Once your return is approved by IRS, you receive your schedule-1 copy in minutes. Isn't it as easy as 1...2...3...! Yes it is, indeed. So truckers, no matter which corner of the world you are rolling, file your return right from seat within minutes. August has slipped in, time is flying by. Do file your return online at and experience the magic yourself. Happy e-filing truckers!

Flora Anderson, an e-tax professional at a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290, Form 720, Form 8849 etc, my articles will reflect trucker friendly ideologies, methods and steps to e-file your forms with ease. For any queries, you can reach @ 866-245-3918 or email us on for instance response. Rate this Article

Methods to Subside The Storm of Sleep While Trucking In The Night!Not Rated Yet

Flora Anderson has published 15 articles. Article submitted on August 13, 2013. Word count: 570

Everyone has a dream to make the online trucking website best truck junction, but it demands some sincere efforts and aggressive approach. Some of the leading requirements are the wider availabilities of trucks like the semi trucks, dump trucks, lifted trucks and tow trucks.

Written by: Prageeth Acharya

While you're waiting you begin to set up the first call to your insurance provider. The tow truck arrives but, you don't know where to send your car yet, you haven't been able to obtain a referral that quickly from your insurance agent.

Written by: Dan Newlin

A number of dealers put out bikes on sale. Of course most of them are Second Hand Bikes that have been used by someone and are now put on sale. The Second Hand Bikes have been serving the best choice for those who cannot afford a brand new bike.

Written by: Robt Jackson

The most important thing while riding on your bicycle is that, are you comfortable with your ride. Importantly while riding with mountain bikes. Size of the bike and distance between your feet to ground matters a lot.

Written by: Vicky Rana

Get Certified License With Driving Training School

Learning driving is the basic requirement for every individual in today's quick paced world, but it requires proper training to learn rules and regulations. To learn driving is very common these days, as you can easily learn it from your friends and relatives. To avoid paying hefty charges and breaking traffic rules and regulations, its better to join training schools to learn perfect driving.

There are many driving schools that are certified with the government standard. These schools have a couple of qualified instructors to offer training as per government law in a professional way.

ABC driving schoolis the mostreputable and certified training school and has been providing driving lessons for over 30 years of experience. They offers the best training and preparation to young drivers. They offer driving courses of varied duration and teach techniques that are required to operate a car. They even provide vehicles for training. They teach you to drive a car as quickly as possible. You will feel confident while driving over the road.

Driving schools Adelaideare famous for the best and knowledgeable instructors in the downtown of Adelaide and nearby suburbs areas. These schools teach you some extra driving skills to avoid mishaps. Their instructors will pick up the students from their home, school or office at the assigned place and time. They provide training services as per your convenience and requirements. Their instructors have their own license to provide safety of their dear one.

They also conduct Driving Test to check whether you are qualified or not. They provide easy and safe free submission process. For obtaining learning and provisional license, you can opt their services. All you need to appear for the test or evaluations that are designed as per the different levels. For an individual it is essential to clear the permit test to obtain a license. If you are unable to clear any level of permit test, you have to appear for the examination from the initial level once again. The school will provide you all aspects of learning material and help you in the preparation of a permit examination.

They have a team of most experienced instructors of the field. Their professionals focus on every student and assist in cultivating required skills. Moreover , all their professionals will help you in attaining both theoretical and practical knowledge effectively. You will be provided with the complete utmost services and facilities at the time of training sessions.

You can browse their official website To know more about their training facilities and classes at your convenient time.

American Scenic Byways Are a Great Option if You Own RV in Iowa

The weather is heating up and Iowa RV dealers are gearing up because this is the time of year when Iowans hop in their recreational vehicles (Recreational vehicles) and explore this great country of ours. Some of the most popular types of trips among Iowa Recreational vehicle'rs are cruises along America's scenic byways.

Cruising America's Scenic Byways

If you own or plan to own an RV in Iowa, then you owe it to yourself to take a family excursion through some of America's scenic byways. An entire byway network has formed throughout the country, and it provides you the opportunity to avoid the traffic and drive at a leisurely pace through some truly beautiful countryside. Most of these routes have Recreational vehicle parks and public lands along the way as well.

Great River Road

For Recreational vehicle lovers in Iowa, one of the most popular scenic byway destinations is the Great River Road in Illinois. For starters, access to it is reasonably close to Iowa, and you can even take some of Iowa's scenic routes to get to it. Once you're on it, the Great River Road follows the Mississippi River for nearly 600 miles through cities and a number of historic sites, agricultural attractions, museums and more. You can even access the Mississippi River Trail, for biking or hiking, from any of a number of Recreational vehicle parks. Another option is the locks and dams along the river, and activities include fishing, canoeing, kayaking, river rafting and river tubing.

Other RV Opportunities in Illinois

There are many other Recreational vehicle opportunities in Illinois. The state is home to many scenic byways, and it offers many RV-friendly parks and campgrounds. One of the most popular is Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park, which offers all the Recreational vehicle park amenities that adults expect but also has a wide range of activities for the kids. If you prefer not to sleep in the RV, you can even rent one of the family-friendly cabins available throughout the site.

Preparing for Your Trip

Before you take off for the Great River Road, give your RV its seasonal checkup. Take your Recreational vehicle into an Iowa shop, have the entire vehicle inspected and have the fluids changed or topped off. Check the Recreational vehicle's brakes, battery, spare tire, roof and all appliances, too.

Considering a New or New-Used RV

If your current Recreational vehicle has seen better days, then you may want to consider buying a new RV or at least buying a newer used Recreational vehicle before setting on your trip to the Great River Road. A new Recreational vehicle is a significant expense, but if you're looking at big costs in maintenance and repairs anyway, most Iowa Recreational vehicle dealers can work out a budget-friendly trade-in.

Fedder's Marine & RV

If you need a new or new used Recreational vehicle in Iowa, then come into Fedder's Marine & RV. Fedder's is the leading RV dealership in Iowa, and no other Iowa Recreational vehicle dealers can match its prices or its commitment to customer service. There is a reason why Fedder's clients are the most loyal in the business, so why not come in and find out for yourself? Please visit for more information.

Fedder is a business owner and professional blogger that enjoys writing on subject matter related to traveling, lifestyle and other consumer interests.

Prep Your Family For Roadside Assistance

In schools, our children practice fire, tornado, and disaster drills. There's a little secret the teachers use to make sure those drills go well. They become a game. Not only that, but the teachers have a bag prepped with materials to keep children quiet or busy, depending on what is happening.

Fast forward to a simple drive home from school or dance practice-and your car overheats or you blow a tire. Your first instinct is to call a tow service, but what do you do with the carpool of kids in your car?

The first thing to pack in your emergency car bag is a non-perishable snack. Go for crackers, dehydrated food, or maybe something that will take a very long time to unwrap. Get the kiddos going on that and enjoy a few minutes of dealing with your car without whining.

Next, think about activities. This can be something fun, something they never get to play with. Wrap up some dollar store toys in layers of paper so the kids have to keep on unwrapping. Again, you are trying to kill time, so put activities in there that will keep them occupied in a fun way.

In the event that you are out late, be sure to pack some mini-flashlights. If your car is stalled and you want to conserve your energy, it can be dark, and that can be scary for the kids. Giving them each a flashlight can give them the power to control the light and what they see. And come on, aren't shadow puppets fun?

I'm sure there are lots of tricks that you have as a parent to occupy your children on the road, but, when it comes to an emergency, prepare yourself. Realize your limits as a parent and understand that with the added stress of a vehicle failure you may not be as on your game as you usually are. That's why prepping a secret, "fun bag" is a great way to buy yourself the time to keep everyone safe

If a case does arrive where you happen to be stuck on the side of the road make sure you find a quality company with good ratings. The last thing you want is to be stranded at night and have poor service.

Feel Robust While Being on Road!

Sometime we overlook almost-guaranteed struggles - Health as an easy cake to eat. But it is not always true. When you have decided to pursue your career in trucking industry, you also need to learn, adapt and implement the strategies to stay healthy all the time. If we say, truck driving lifestyle isn't healthy, then that is not correct. It makes your journey more difficult as you are jostled around the seat of the cab, surrounded by unhealthy food.

However, there are many ways to cut short the unhealthy food from your list and maintain your state of living healthy within your truck. Today, we would discuss about truck drivers' biggest struggles on the road and what can you do to fight over it.

Finding time to exercise:

Among the other struggles, this is the biggest encounter trucker face in their day-to-day hauling. Let's face it; it is legitimate concern, which is difficult for even most motivated truck drivers within you. It just seems like you don't have much time, mornings you spend time being on the road busy drive long and as the dusk falls, and it's time to hit the sack.

How to find time:

Well, you can segregate exercise workouts into bits of 2 or 3 or 4 smaller increments of time. Work outs can be scheduled during the 30 minute break is ideal. You can go for a walk or a run a mile before making your way towards your truck in the morning.

Schedule your exercise routine like you do for your work. In fact, it is a good idea to follow a schedule every day. It makes your life simple and fits in your routine easily.

Cook your own meal:

Now this is called challenge. For those who like to stay and enjoy healthy food, the biggest hurdle is to make your own meal and enjoy it. Sandwiches sounds interesting initially, but get boring soon enough. So spice up your meal menu with something much more interesting to go with after a tiring day.

Fix your meal yourself:

You can invest your earning in purchasing travel cooking appliance, Induction Cooking plate and a fridge to store food, vegetables, fruit and other ingredients like honey, milk and cream. You can cook handy meals to remain robust.

Say no to TRUCK STOPS Temptation:

After driving for long hours, it is surely a difficult task to stop the temptation call from nearby burger shop or truck stop buffet.Continuous driving surely leaves the trucker with no energy and moreover, cooking something and eating yourself is another tiring task in the list.

Learn to say no to your temptations:

The easiest way to combat this is by cooking something while you are still behind the wheels and by the time they stop for the night, the meal is hot and all set for dinner. When you take a break midway, throw in some ingredients in a slow cooker and set it high for few hours. Well, you can also store some eatables in your mini fridge so that once you done for the night, all you need to do is heat it and eat it yourself.

Bored? Call for overeating:

When you are bored, it welcomes overeating. You need to tell a big no for the temptation of eating more than required as it is not only bad for health but also makes you feel like stuffed and obviously, sleep will follow.

How to fix it:

Here is a good option for your overeating. Though you are occupied with trucking and steering wheel, during your breaks, you can switch to your gadget, music or audio books if you are one among them who like gadgets. You can also indulge yourself in your secret hobbies like stitching, crochet, playing wild games, walking or even sleeping during your break.

The best part about long hauls is that you carry gadgets you like the most and usually they do have a Wi-Fi connection, making life simple and easy. Anything you are looking for, you can check out through your applications on your iPad/ Smartphone. The same implies to e-filing your return to IRS. Yes, as you busy with your schedules, you cannot leave everything and rush to IRS local office to paper file your return. The easiest way of filing form 2290 is through e-filing. It is simple, easy and the smartest way of handling your taxes. So what are you waiting for? July has already reached your calendar; it's time to take your gadget and e-file your form 2290 today. Enjoy exclusive offers only at

Flora Anderson, an e-tax professional at a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290 , Form 720, Form 8849 etc, my articles will reflect trucker friendly ideologies, methods and steps to e-file your forms with ease. For any queries, you can reach @ 866-245-3918 or email us on for instance response.

Regulations for Driving Multi Combination Vehicles with Trawlers in Sydney

Do it yourself approach may work in many other fields but does not quite work when it comes to gaining multi combination licence. There is need to attend a reputable training school and learn the lessons well enough. Casual driving has led to major life loss in Sydney and all over Australia. The road authorities are quite strict before granting multi combination licence. They will check for every aspect and if you are found wanting in any of these then the application will be disapproved. Luckily there are many reputed HC training centers in Western Sydney who can guide you with their structured courses. The assistance you get from the training centers goes a long way in earning you licence without any hassles. Once you have got the licence you are ready to ply your trade in the transportation industry.

Driving a heavy combination vehicle is drastically different from driving a camper van. As the need may be, you may have to attach trawlers to accommodate more space. Transporting large shipments from one part of Australia to the other is challenging but rewarding as well. The transportation providers are looking to employ more and more drivers with the skills of handling a trawler fitted to their multi combination vehicle. When you attend a reputable HC training center in Western Sydney you would be aptly taught the skills of driving a vehicle with trawler. The norms of driving such vehicles are different too. You would get firsthand information about these. Some of the norms of driving a multi combination vehicle with a trawler fitted to it are mentioned below:

Any multi combination vehicle should not carry additional weight than permit. The load should not exceed the dimensional limit set for the vehicle. If the excess weight is caused due to certain articles that are indivisible then you may get redemption. The redemption can be had only when you carry a special permit.The distance between the rear overhang line and read of load should not be greater than 5.5m and 25% or less of the total length combination of the vehicle.Unladen lower loader of your vehicle should be wider than 2.5m where there are 4 tyres and 2.7m where there are 8 tyres on each axle.If there are rigid projections in front or behind the vehicle then a warning should be displayed on right and left hand side of the vehicle.During the daylight hours a multi combination vehicle using a trawler should use warning sign at the front and rear of the load. Warning flagships may be fitted to the widest point.During night travels the vehicle must use yellow and red light combinations to alert other vehicles.The maximum driving speed for a trawler fitted multi combination vehicle is 90 kph. If the traffic signs in the area signal lower speed limit, then you must abide by it. If you are driving at a much slower speed then you may have to pull over at the side and let the traffic buildup behind clear.

These are just some of the complex rules that you would be easily taught as a part of multi combination licence training. The experts would guide on whys and hows of all these regulations.

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Regulations for Driving Multi Combination Vehicles with Trawlers in SydneyNot Rated Yet

Jonathan Xerri has published 4 articles. Article submitted on July 03, 2013. Word count: 532

Values and Utilities of the automotive vehicles are immense and they are powering entire world with their smashing and dynamic approach. These vehicles are having incredible approach that can make the adventure lovers and thrill seekers more delighted and enlighten.

Written by: Prageeth Acharya

Driving down the road with a brand new car is likely to be your dream still tight money problems will probably deter you purchasing a new one. In such instances, using second hand cars is something you will feel comfortable with.

Written by: Chris Azused

There is no doubt that ground maintenance is a very important factor in keeping the look of your establishment or home's surroundings well groomed and tidy.

Written by: Mona Lee

With a bad winter on it's way and councils cutting their road maintenance budget it could be a rough ride for driving instructors this season. With speed bumps and greater numbers of potholes in the road the tuition car may take some damage this winter.

Written by: Russell Chaplin

Halo Projector Headlights For Safe And Comfortable Driving

It is close to impossible to drive the car without headlights in the dark. If you own a vehicle and do not have headlights then it is very difficult to ride it after sunset. There are different kind of lights that are installed in the car such as brake lights, tail lights, angel eye headlights, halo lights and many more. There is wide range of headlights that are available in the market to amplify the looks of the car and for safety. The headlights are designed in order to illuminate the road, permitting you to drive safe in the night. To assist the car lovers, halo projector headlights are considered as the revolution in automobile industry. They are also known as angel eye headlights and are the best kind of lights for better illumination. Their design is so elegant that ensures a modern and sporty look to your car. As they are made simple, so it is easy to install them without any complications. Hence, installing the lights is fairly easy and cost efficient way to make your car more remarkable than ever before.

Halo projector headlights have a very strong beam that allows you to see even the small objects that come in your way. These lights will give you the feeling of the day light even in tough weather conditions during the monsoons and winters. In the foggy and snowy days the lights make your path visible and more clear as the beam of the light cuts the fog coat. Well as these lights beautify your car and protect you from a mishap that is why it is the first choice of many people across the world. They are available in different designs, colors and shapes so you can decide to choose them according to your requirements. There are many reputed companies that manufacture them and the lights can be bought directly from their stores. If you are unable to find them, search the web to find out different online shops and stores from where the lights can be purchased. The main reasons why the lights are becoming more and more popular are:

They do not heat up early.These are available in multiple colors.They are highly robust and reliable.They are designed according to OEM guidelines.These lights are usually SAE and DOT approved.They have a long life as they do not use fragile filament.Their functioning is dependent on the latest technology.They concentrate light beam at the appropriate position.They are shock free, water defiant and climate challenging.The material used in them also provides these lights protection from UV Rays.

To summarize, these are the most important reasons, why most of the car lovers desire to get a pair of halo headlights for their car. Hence appreciate the need of sufficient headlights and adopting an appropriate fit for your car will unquestionably make sure your safety on the road at nights.

Buy tax free aftermarket, led, euro, anzo, angel eye & halo projector headlights with lens covers at surprisingly prices and free shipping. Rate this Article

Halo Projector Headlights For Safe And Comfortable DrivingNot Rated Yet

Gilbert De Fernandes has published 12 articles. Article submitted on June 11, 2013. Word count: 477

There's a thin line between safe and hazardous driving, and a vehicle's brakes can make all the difference. Under ideal circumstances, a responsible driver would have their brakes checked regularly; however, many vehicle owners do not take these precautions until it is too late.

Written by: Andrea Avery

People live a busy life schedule these days. There are situations when you have to travel from one place to another every now and then. People hit the road driving cars to meet the demands of everyday life. In such cases, driving skills matter a lot based on the geographical area of the place.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Are you planning to buy a new car? You'll find used car dealers in Phoenix where all types of cars are available for sale. The cars that are being offered on sale are worthy spending your money because of various reasons.

Written by: Chris R Azused

If you are planning a holiday with your much-loved animal friend, a little planning can help you, your family and your pet can enjoy a safe and enjoyable journey with minimal problems.

Written by: Laura Ginn

Man Drives Down Park Stairs after Blindly Following GPS

In another case of distracted driving, a man drove his car down the steps of a New York park after blindly following a GPS device.

There is a photograph of the incident which happened at Riverside Park floating online, which was snapped by a person at the park at the time of the incident.

Various reports state that the driver followed his electronic guide into the park partially down the stairs of 88th Street. The back wheels of the vehicle managed to remain on the sidewalk while the front wheels hung over the first few steps.

Some reports suggest that the car, with Rhode Island plates, may have been a front-wheel drive vehicle and had to be towed from the area.

There are various safety devices designed to improve automobile safety and efficiency. Completely relying solely on a GPS device is not safe. It simply does not replace a driver.

Distracted driving is a serious issue that cannot be taken lightly. Accident stemming from drivers who are not paying attention to the road could be eliminated but are not. Nationwide approximately 3,331 were killed in 2011 in distracted driving related accidents.

Those using a hand-held device while operating a vehicle face dangerous hazards. The drivers place themselves, their passengers and those sharing the road in unnecessary danger. Statistically, they are at least four times as likely to get into wreck that can cause serious injuries or kill someone than when not using the devices.

Inexperienced drivers under 20-year-old have the highest proportion of distracted-related fatal crashes, per various studies. It has been found that engaging in activities such as texting while driving can delay a driver's reaction time just as severely as having a blood alcohol content of a legally drunk driver. Most understand that driving under the influence is dangerous because those who are drunk do not have the mental acuity or motor skills to operate a vehicle properly or react to obstacles on the road.

Next time you are going someplace new, review the directions prior to embarking on your trip. Turn off your phone and other distractions while driving and keep it that way until you've reached your destination and are no longer operating a vehicle. If you feel that you need to use a GPS device, set it up in way so that the directions are read out loud, that way you won't have to keep looking away from the road at every street.

Regulations for Driving Multi Combination Vehicles with Trawlers in Sydney

Do it yourself approach may work in many other fields but does not quite work when it comes to gaining multi combination licence. There is need to attend a reputable training school and learn the lessons well enough. Casual driving has led to major life loss in Sydney and all over Australia. The road authorities are quite strict before granting multi combination licence. They will check for every aspect and if you are found wanting in any of these then the application will be disapproved. Luckily there are many reputed HC training centers in Western Sydney who can guide you with their structured courses. The assistance you get from the training centers goes a long way in earning you licence without any hassles. Once you have got the licence you are ready to ply your trade in the transportation industry.

Driving a heavy combination vehicle is drastically different from driving a camper van. As the need may be, you may have to attach trawlers to accommodate more space. Transporting large shipments from one part of Australia to the other is challenging but rewarding as well. The transportation providers are looking to employ more and more drivers with the skills of handling a trawler fitted to their multi combination vehicle. When you attend a reputable HC training center in Western Sydney you would be aptly taught the skills of driving a vehicle with trawler. The norms of driving such vehicles are different too. You would get firsthand information about these. Some of the norms of driving a multi combination vehicle with a trawler fitted to it are mentioned below:

Any multi combination vehicle should not carry additional weight than permit. The load should not exceed the dimensional limit set for the vehicle. If the excess weight is caused due to certain articles that are indivisible then you may get redemption. The redemption can be had only when you carry a special permit.The distance between the rear overhang line and read of load should not be greater than 5.5m and 25% or less of the total length combination of the vehicle.Unladen lower loader of your vehicle should be wider than 2.5m where there are 4 tyres and 2.7m where there are 8 tyres on each axle.If there are rigid projections in front or behind the vehicle then a warning should be displayed on right and left hand side of the vehicle.During the daylight hours a multi combination vehicle using a trawler should use warning sign at the front and rear of the load. Warning flagships may be fitted to the widest point.During night travels the vehicle must use yellow and red light combinations to alert other vehicles.The maximum driving speed for a trawler fitted multi combination vehicle is 90 kph. If the traffic signs in the area signal lower speed limit, then you must abide by it. If you are driving at a much slower speed then you may have to pull over at the side and let the traffic buildup behind clear.

These are just some of the complex rules that you would be easily taught as a part of multi combination licence training. The experts would guide on whys and hows of all these regulations.

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Regulations for Driving Multi Combination Vehicles with Trawlers in SydneyNot Rated Yet

Jonathan Xerri has published 3 articles. Article submitted on July 03, 2013. Word count: 532

Values and Utilities of the automotive vehicles are immense and they are powering entire world with their smashing and dynamic approach. These vehicles are having incredible approach that can make the adventure lovers and thrill seekers more delighted and enlighten.

Written by: Prageeth Acharya

Road accidents happen because of a lot of factors. There is the ever-rampant driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which could really turn for the worse if coupled with excessive speeding. Then there are certain types of distractions; from the use of mobile phones, putting a CD.

Written by: Jon George Fuller

With a bad winter on it's way and councils cutting their road maintenance budget it could be a rough ride for driving instructors this season. With speed bumps and greater numbers of potholes in the road the tuition car may take some damage this winter.

Written by: Russell Chaplin

Learning driving is the basic requirement for every individual in today's quick paced world, but it requires proper training to learn rules and regulations. The following content is written about the driving school that provide training classes.

Written by: John Martien

Finding a School for Intensive Driving Schools in Bristol

There are times when you wish to learn how to drive but have limited time. This may happen in either of the following situations:

You have been offered a new job, but you would only be hired if you know how to drive.You are a student and wish to learn during your vacation.You think you can practice better when you are with friends or family. In this scenario, you may insist on getting intensive lessons right when you begin so that you can practice later.

Nevertheless, in any of the situations, what you need to do is to find a driving school that offers intensive driving courses in Bristol or wherever you are. Here's how you can find a good one:

Always look for a school that caters to your specific needs. For instance, if you wish to talk half of your lessons in the very begging, thereby saving some time, which you can use to practice with friends, you should be allowed to do so. In this case, the school must agree that you would be taking the remaining classes just one or two weeks before you appear for the test.Also, the driving school must have various courses for you to choose from. So, even if you need intensive tuition in chosen weeks, it should be a possibility.Make sure that the school has a clear cut fee structure. How much does a standard lesson cost? How much do you need to pay to the school if they book a practical test on your behalf? Are there extra charges for using the tuition car for your practical test? If the standard lesson commences in the evening, do you need to pay more? You should have the answers to all the questions.Furthermore, if you are to pay before the start of the first lesson, which is a common practice in case of intensive driving courses in Bristol, you should be told about it.Interestingly, you can choose a good driving school by taking an introductory assessment before you start with any of the courses. The assessment is not only good for you but also for the instructor as they get to know the level of instruction that you need and the hours you need to put in. However, make sure that the amount charged for this assessment is adjusted in case you choose the school and decide to opt for one of the courses.Rate this Article

Finding a School for Intensive Driving Schools in BristolNot Rated Yet

Jacy Williams has published 48 articles. Article submitted on June 06, 2013. Word count: 399

One of the biggest societal changes hitting the world like a storm is the rapid boom in automobile technology. No one has the time or patience to wait for public transport and cars have become a necessity rather than a luxury nowadays.

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Driving Schools are initiated to train and develop a fully professional driver to perform his duties in trucking industry of New York, United States of American.

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With a bad winter on it's way and councils cutting their road maintenance budget it could be a rough ride for driving instructors this season. With speed bumps and greater numbers of potholes in the road the tuition car may take some damage this winter.

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The article is written to inform you about the importance of certified driving training that's facilitated by reliable centers at cost effective prices. People who would like to learn driving & attain license, contact the reliable driving school to attain satisfying solutions...

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Dangers of Driving With Pets

The risk of accident for drivers who drive frequently with their pets is higher than that of drivers who never drive with a pet. The crash rates for drivers who rarely drove with their pets were consistent with rates for non-pet owners.

Driving with pets is dangerous because pets can be distracting. There are very few states with laws regarding driving with pets. Hawaii is the only state that bans drivers from driving with a pet in their lap. A few states have laws regarding distracting behavior in a vehicle. These laws can be applied to distracting animalsin a vehicle.

The researchers believe that senior drivers are more likely to be distracted because they tend to have slower cognitive performance. Senior drivers also have slower response times. The added distraction of an active animal makes driving with pets especially dangerous for pets.

Pet restraints can minimize distraction from animals in a car. Unfortunately, very few people use pet restraints. In the study, only 16 percent used any type of safety restraint. 83 percent of the participants agreed that it was unsafe for pets to be unrestrained in a moving vehicle.

You should use a safety harness or a secured carrier. Scared dogs are very unpredictable. Your scared dog might come running into your lap or even under your feet. If you are a car accident, an unsecured dog will be projected from his seat. You can find pet harnesses at pet retail stores. It helps to make sure your best dog friend is used to the harness before using it in a car.

Here are some safety tips for traveling with pets

Don't forget to bring water for your pet. It will probably get thirsty, and water will keep it hydrated and coo.Your pet may have issues with motion sickness. Symptoms of motion sickness include excessive drooling, panting, or frequent swallowing. You may need to help your pet to become accustomed to a car. It helps to take it on short car rides to fun locations. Then your pet will become associate car rides with something positive. This can help minimize car sickness. Harnesses can also help minimize car sickness. If motion sickness is still an issue, you may want to talk to your vet. Your vet can offer recommendations for medications.Invest in the proper car restraints. Loose animals can be distracting and dangerous. In the case of an accident, your pet will be ejected forward and could be fatally injured. A loose pet can also be very distracting. Put your furry friend in safety restraints, and everyone will be safer!Protect your pet, and use a safety restraint! Your dog will be safer, and you will be safer too. If you are ever in a car accident, you may also want contact a Newport Beach car accident lawyer . Rate this Article

Dangers of Driving With PetsNot Rated Yet

Dara Khajavi has published 31 articles. Article submitted on May 03, 2013. Word count: 426

If you have been keeping yourself up-to-date with the latest car news, for sure you have bump into this juicy item - Honda to release a new hybrid car on second quarter? If not, read the entire article.

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For other people, the words motorcycle and safety will hardly go into one sentence. The task of making them ride one is a formidable task. It is also believed that there is no such thing as a safe motorcycle. The safety of the rider relies on the rider himself or herself.

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There are amount of methods to keep you away from things like the car accidents but whenever you come across such situation you are necessary to carry out a quantity of things. It is often arduous to action in a appropriate way especially when you meet a car accident.

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Look Ahead with Accommodating Driving Learning Process

Learning driving lessons is an exciting experience to start on, so it's essential that you select the right car operating school for you. Many students approach to a driving school in the hope that they will pass the car operating test quickly and short term of period. However, it is not possible for unqualified and inexperience with driving instructor. Finding Driving Instructors in Adelaide is not a hard nut to crack. There are so many car operating schools that offer personal web portals online and give complete information about their classes as well as fees.

Every car instructor follow different approaches and employs special methods when teaching their students which is why it is important to find a method that suits your learning requirements. You can start your searching for driving schools in your nearby area and list down your searches that positively catch your attention. If browsing internet for Adelaide Driving Instructor, it is important to that doesn't fascinate with the looks of the website, also check out services, programs and fee. Choose an institute who has certified car operating instructors and provide service to all Adelaide suburbs and hills.

Check out different points you should keep in your mind before finalize any classes:

Pass rate: What is the qualifying rate of the driving test giving by the selected institute? Go and check. The high the pass rate, you have more chances to get success. You can demand the proof from the driving school for pass rate.

Fee and discount: Car operating schools normally attract students through discounted prices and offers for the new comers. Sometime it remains beneficial but situation arrives when you get attracts from such offers and ruined your money comfortably. Also check whether driving instructors are reliable or not? Offers are admirable in order to save money, but very low prices may compromise the quality of your driving lessons.

Previous Student Testimonial: Check the ABC Driving School and read the testimonials of the students who have leave their comments related to their past experience. When and if you decide to approach the school that seems appealing to you, solve as many queries as possible about the company to make sure that you will be happy with their service.

There are so many car operating schools available in Adelaide, choosing the best Driving Instructors in Adelaide can be difficult. Go and check online websites to find out the best school for own.

ABC Driving School: One should always look into the qualifying measures of the Driving Schools and the driving Instructor. They need to have all the compulsory certifications and license to become Adelaide Driving Instructor.

Get Certified License With Driving Training School

Learning driving is the basic requirement for every individual in today's quick paced world, but it requires proper training to learn rules and regulations. To learn driving is very common these days, as you can easily learn it from your friends and relatives. To avoid paying hefty charges and breaking traffic rules and regulations, its better to join training schools to learn perfect driving.

There are many driving schools that are certified with the government standard. These schools have a couple of qualified instructors to offer training as per government law in a professional way.

ABC driving schoolis the mostreputable and certified training school and has been providing driving lessons for over 30 years of experience. They offers the best training and preparation to young drivers. They offer driving courses of varied duration and teach techniques that are required to operate a car. They even provide vehicles for training. They teach you to drive a car as quickly as possible. You will feel confident while driving over the road.

Driving schools Adelaideare famous for the best and knowledgeable instructors in the downtown of Adelaide and nearby suburbs areas. These schools teach you some extra driving skills to avoid mishaps. Their instructors will pick up the students from their home, school or office at the assigned place and time. They provide training services as per your convenience and requirements. Their instructors have their own license to provide safety of their dear one.

They also conduct Driving Test to check whether you are qualified or not. They provide easy and safe free submission process. For obtaining learning and provisional license, you can opt their services. All you need to appear for the test or evaluations that are designed as per the different levels. For an individual it is essential to clear the permit test to obtain a license. If you are unable to clear any level of permit test, you have to appear for the examination from the initial level once again. The school will provide you all aspects of learning material and help you in the preparation of a permit examination.

They have a team of most experienced instructors of the field. Their professionals focus on every student and assist in cultivating required skills. Moreover , all their professionals will help you in attaining both theoretical and practical knowledge effectively. You will be provided with the complete utmost services and facilities at the time of training sessions.

You can browse their official website To know more about their training facilities and classes at your convenient time.

Some Rules You Have to Respect When You Drive

Being a good driver doesn't just mean knowing the basics and the more advanced techniques of maneuvering a Luxury SUV or any other car. It also means having the ability to follow rules and road signs and the ability to keep everyone within your radius safe. No matter how good you are at driving, if you don't know how to follow traffic rules, chances are you may become more prone to accidents, endangering not only yourself but the people around you as well.

To avoid road accidents as much as possible, here are some rules you have to respect when you drive:

Always Follow Road Traffic Signs

Following road traffic signs is very important. It spells the difference between life and death and danger and safety. These signs are put in place to keep everyone on the road safe and to avoid or at least minimize accidents that may occur. They also serve to provide drivers like you a warning on the potential dangers that you may encounter along the road.

Always Wear Safety Belts

It is always wise to wear safety belts while driving regardless of what type of car you have. Whether you are maneuvering a Luxury car or performance car, it always pays to be cautious and to never forget to wear your seatbelt when on the road. Seatbelts hold you in place in times of collisions. They prevent you from being thrown away from the car during abrupt stops or accidental crashes.

Never Fail to Make Signals When Making a Turn or When Changing Lanes

Not signaling when you intend to make a turn or want to change lanes is extremely dangerous. It can result to collisions, which could be fatal to both you and the other motorists. Remember, the pedestrians and other motorists are not psychics; they cannot anticipate and guess your every move on the road. You have to let them know what you are about to do by turning on your signal lights.

Avoid Tailgating

Keep your distance from the car ahead of you. Do not tailgate. If you crowd the car ahead of you, chances are you might smash right into it once the driver of that car suddenly brakes. While the latest Performance cars or any other modern car for that matter is equipped with traction control and anti-lock brake systems, they still cannot keep you from smashing into other cars if you are not careful.

Anticipate the Moves of the Other Drivers

Through your mirrors, watch the actions of the other drivers around you. Be very observant of the actions of pedestrians as well. Anticipate their every move and be ready to make a lane change or to step on your brakes when necessary. Be aware of the movements around you all the time and know where the other cars are in relation to yours. Know what's coming up ahead of you, what's happening behind you, and what's happening on either side of you. This way, you don't have to make sudden changes on your steering and you can avoid other problems that may arise from not being able to anticipate what's going to happen around you.

Respecting the rules of driving will not only benefit the people around you. It will benefit you as well. Always keep the rules in mind and make sure to follow them to make yourself safe while on the road.

Marc writes about a lot of different subjects. He works in the car industry for a very long time and developed a know-how in cars in general, especially Luxury SUV and Performance cars . Luxury car evolve rapidly and it's important to him to publish what he's noticed.

Increase Driving Skills and Knowledge Through Reliable Centers

People who would like to learn to drive & attain license, contact the reliable driving school to attain satisfying solutions as well as guaranteed peace of mind. There are many driving schools are introducing with the most effective training that help to cater all your needs and requirements. This is an ideal platform for learners. Moreover, one can also increase their driving skills and confidence.

The driving centers provide learning kits that help to pass their permit test. By taking their services, you can effectively get rid risk of road and other mishaps. If you want to know more about the such schools, then explore your search through the online browsing. Through which you can find the foremost organizations without any hassle. The internet also helps to acquire quality information about the desired schools including :- their experience, specialization, rule & regulation, pricing, process and FAQ, booking, contact us, location of the schools among many more.

Moreover, there is one of the best driving schools Adelaide available, providing quality training to learners. You will be provided with practical testing, log book training and overseas conversion. They have 30 years of experience in providing driving lessons for those who living in Adelaide and its surrounding Adelaide Hill region and Suburbs. Their entire services are vehicles are facilitated for training, all instructors have police clearances and a member of ASTA and PDTA, pick up you from your desired destination such as school, office, home 7 days a week, learning kits among many more.

The schools is associated with expert & skills driving instructors that have extreme knowledge about drive. They will introduce themselves and show their instructor license. They also check your license at first. They also provide information to their student about how to acquire such license. For getting a driving license, then you have to pass piratical & theoretical exam. You will be provided to permit for 12 months, 75 hours on road driving experience, pass a practical test that known as (VORT) the test undertake (CBT). Their courses are available at affordable fees.

The ABC Driving School provides information about the rule & regulation of driving. For further information and queries, feel free to contact them. Their aim is to achieve your desired needs and requirement by providing quality driving training and boost up your confidence level. You can directly log on their website to know more information about the company.

Getting meant up to learn driving is definitely a crucial phase in your life similar to the time when you start or you rode a bicycle for the first time. So ASM Driving School is highly skilled and professional where Driving Schools Adelaideand Driving Instructorsare offered at affordable prices.

How Many Points Do I Get For Speeding in Texas?

The driving demerit point system in Texas is relatively simple compared to most other states. Simple does not necessarily mean more lenient, however. Rather than maintaining a long list of traffic violations and a corresponding number of points for them, Texas only uses a couple basic rules for issuing traffic tickets.

The Texas Point System

You will receive 2 points on your license for a standard moving violation, and 3 points for a moving violation resulting in an accident. These rules do not include more serious violations such as DUI, driving on a suspended license, or committing a hit-and-run, all of which can result in immediate license suspension and heavy recurring fines.

There are certain exceptional violations which may get you a ticket with a fine, but will not grant any Texas traffic violation points. Speeding less than 10% over the limit or not wearing a seatbelt may earn you a fine, but will not put points on your record. Speeding more than 10% over the limit will count as a standard moving violation, and will earn you 2 points (or 3 if you get into an accident).

Driver Responsibility Program

The Texas Driver Responsibility Program (DRP) ensures that points stay on your Texas license for 3 years from your conviction date. If you incur a total of 6 points in 3 years, you will be charged $100 annually until those points are removed. You will charged an additional $25 for every point past 6 in a 3-year time period. If driving behavior does not change, your license might be suspended.

Recurring Violation Surcharges

Texas has some of the harshest punishments in the union when it comes to DUIs. If you are caught driving under the influence, you will be charged an initial fine and recurring annual fines for 3 years after your conviction. Your first DUI will cost you $1000 a year. Two or more DUIs will cost $1500 a year. A DUI at twice the legal blood alcohol limit (.16% BAC) will cost a whopping $2000 a year. That means a lone night of irresponsible drinking could cost you $6000 plus a lot of other potential damages to your driving record, even if you don't get into an accident.

Other violations, like driving on a suspended license, will cost you $250 a year and will probably lead to a huge extension of your suspension period.

Your Options if You Get a Ticket

You basically have 3 options if you are charged with speeding or any other moving violation. Your first option is to admit guilt, pay the fine, and incur the points on your record. Your second option is to attempt to fight the ticket in court. Many people are successful in overturning tickets if they can build a strong enough case for their innocence, or if the accusing police officer does not show in court. Thirdly, you can have the ticket dismissed by attending a Texas driving safety course. These online courses can be taken once a year, and will nullify points and fines from any standard moving violation. They are the best option for someone getting dangerously close to losing their license or paying heavy surcharges.

Texas Defensive Course is your one-way ticket to a clean driving record without any hassle! Remove points from your license and keep your insurance rates low with fast, easy, and self-paced courses designed for your convenience. Sign up today at

Driving Laws to Remember When in Europe

It does not help that leasing a car in europe is easy because of the abundance of car rental companies that offer long term car rental to expats and tourists. While it may be exciting to drive across the various states of Europe, though, you need to keep in mind that there are driving rules that you need to follow to avoid problems with the European authorities.

Always Keep Your Documents Ready

The first rule of thumb when driving in any part of Europe is to always have your documents on the ready. Do not forget to bring your passport, health and travel insurance as well as your international driving license (IDL) and permit. Some states may not ask for the international driving license but it is still recommended to always have it with you whenever you drive. In some European states, the absence of the IDL is a grave crime and you may be persecuted if you are not able to present it when asked by authorities.

Make Sure That the Car You Will Be Using Complies with Requirements

It is not enough that you have the pertinent documents permitting you to drive across the states of Europe. You should also ensure that the car you will be using complies with the requirements asked by each of the European state. Some states may ask you to have the following in your car when driving:

First aid kitHeadlight beam converter stickersSpare bulb kitWarning trianglesProperly mounted fire extinguisherHigh viz jackets

You can ask what you need to bring on the road when leasing a car France so you will have an idea of what each state requires you to have when you enter their jurisdiction. You will be able to avoid paying huge fines and getting into trouble if you are aware of the requirements before you enter a particular European territory.

Drive on the Right-hand Side and Avoid Drinking as Much as Possible

Except when you are in Ireland or the United Kingdom, always remember to drive on the right-hand side of the road. Likewise, control your alcohol intake if you are about to drive. Some European states may allow you to drink before you drive but you have to keep it at a minimum level. Other states totally ban drinking while driving. France has even made it a compulsory requirement for all drivers to bring their own breathalyzer for testing to make sure that drivers are free from alcohol when on the road.

Europe is a foreign place and while it may offer you an array of relaxing sceneries and rejuvenating ambience, driving without following its rules may get you into trouble. As such, make it a point to follow Europe's driving rules and regulations whenever you are in its territory to avoid encountering any problem.