Drive with Safety on the Roads

Today moving out from home with your cars has become a real issue. You move out from your homes and those left back at home keep worrying for you until you come back. This is so because the roads have become very busy and the number of vehicles on the roads has increased drastically. Even the numbers of ruthless drivers on the roads have increased largely. When you are out on the roads with your vehicle, you need to be very careful because you cannot blame other drivers on the roads. There are various other things you have to keep in mind when you are on the roads like the traffic, the condition of the roads, speed of other vehicles, traffic signals and other signs and signals on the roads.

Improving your driving skills is an important factor. License is an important instrument you require before you are on the roads with your vehicle. For license, you have to go for a road test. A 5 hour class of pre licensing course makes you prepared for a perfect road test. Therefore, before applying for the road test a pre licensing course should be taken, which is a 5 hour class. A 5 hour class of AA Automobile Club Of Long Island Inc. gives you perfect training for driving skill. It also gives help you get your license so that you can be on the roads. You have to a minimum charge for a 5 hour class and get certain discounts on advance bookings. You have two locations i.e. Queens and Nassau for these classes and you may choose one of them according to your convenience.

AA Automobile Club Of Long Island Inc. also gives you training on defensive driving. They provide you with defensive driving course, which improves your skills of driving. Defensive driving course helps you pass your road test without much of you effort and help you get your license even. The instructors at AA Automobile Club Of Long Island Inc. are very patient and experienced. They let you know the rules on the roads and the tricks of driving safely on the streets. These instructors, which provide you with defensive driving course, understand the needs as well as the nervousness of the students. They help them calm and teach them the best techniques to overcome the nervousness while driving. Defensive driving course is very useful for all the learners and the beginners.

Alen cock is the author of this article. In this article he has shared lot of knowledge about 5 Hour Class and Defensive Driving Course . He has written many articles on Driving Schools. Rate this Article

Drive with Safety on the RoadsNot Rated Yet

Alen Cock has published 4 articles. Article submitted on September 26, 2013. Word count: 403

Driving on busy roads necessarily means keeping our life and that of our loved ones at stake so it should never be taken lightly. Choosing the best driving school or driving instructors should not be treated casually.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Did you know your teenager can drive a car with a driving instructor before they are 17? There are a number of centres around the country which run driving lessons for under 17 year olds as soon as they are tall enough for their feet to touch the pedals? Starting to gain driving experience.

Written by: Trish Haill

With the UK experiencing a changing weather system, a few basic pointers to help you keep safe, hopefully the article will help promote thoughtful driving and keep cars on the road.

Written by: Mike Kiing

If public transportation is bad in your area, it is necessary that you learn how to drive. If you have your own car and you know how to drive, it will be more convenient for you to go to places. You can travel around the city much faster and much more comfortably.

Written by: John Faust

How to Avoid Forklift Accidents?

A forklift is an excellent piece of equipment that can help a company efficiently move items around the warehouse. Unfortunately, some operators cause accidents when they do not exercise caution; other times, pedestrians in the warehouse or garden center will not pay attention to what they are doing. Now, with these six tips, a company can avoid forklift accidents.

Maintenance: When owning expensive and useful equipment, one must perform routine maintenance. This will help a business save money and avoid accidents as a failing piece of equipment can cause an accident. Luckily, a trained expert can install forklift parts and help ensure a safe work environment. Remember, a failing forklift is a dangerous item that one cannot tolerate in their warehouse.

Small jobs: Often, a company will use a large and expensive forklift to move a small pallet with light items. To avoid overusing the forklift, one should use a pallet truck to move small items. Furthermore, with this item, one will not put others in danger as a pallet truck is not large and will not require the user to take extra precautions.

Noise: The drivers and pedestrians should not wear headphones to listen to music or talk on the phone. Sadly, many do not follow this advice and people cause accidents when they cannot hear what is going on in the area. A company needs to have a strict policy; a pedestrian will get hurt if he or she is run over when they do not hear the forklift coming around the corner.

Incentive: If the business can afford to do so, it should give incentives to a department that avoids accidents. One way to do this is to offer employees a free lunch if there are no accidents on the premises for three months. This is the perfect way to encourage employees to work together as it offers them a solid incentive to strive for safety every day.

Signs: When a forklift operator works around customers or employees, he or she must post signs. With a well-placed sign, the driver can inform others of impending dangers. This will help a business in two ways; for starters, with a sign, one can cut down on the number of incidents. Furthermore, when dealing with lawsuits and insurance companies, a business will have a better chance at succeeding when they followed all the rules and placed signs throughout the work area.

Classes: In most areas, a worker will need to have a certification should they want to use a forklift. This is not enough, and a serious business owner should pay for safety courses every few months. The company can instill good values in the employees and make sure that they know what they are doing and how to avoid causing a serious accident.

With these six tips, a company can protect workers and people are unlikely to cause accidents when using a forklift. Fortunately, these tips are not hard to follow and will become second nature over time.

Terence Liew shares tips and advice on industrial safety and management. He recommends following certified forklift companies like for more tips on maintenance, safety and also forklift rentals .

Which Gender is The Worse Driver, Men or Women?

In the great debate of who are worse drivers, men or women, the answer may be "it depends". It depends on who you ask and what your definition of "worse" is. Let's take a look. recently released a survey from 1,000 drivers, and identified responses by gender.

Here are some of their more interesting results: When ask if they had ever "sped up significantly to prevent someone from passing", 28% of men said yes while only 25% of women did. That's one strike against the guys. When it comes to "brake checking" someone following too close, 30% of women admitted to the procedure while only 27% of the men did. Sorry, ladies.

When it comes to tailgating someone for driving too slowly, it would appear women do it more often.The survey said 21% of females tailgated, with only 16% of men filling the mirrors of the driver in front of them.

Men would certainly be the first to give another driver the middle finger salute though, wouldn't they? Not so fast...31% of women said yes, while only 27% of men said they had. What about stealing a parking spot someone else was waiting for? The men win this category 13% to 9%.

When it comes to using the horn to prod someone driving too slowly, men were more aggressive here too, with 43% agreeing they had done this. Only 39% of women admitted to this practice.

So, who would be more likely to ding another's car in a parking lot and drive off? Turns out 8% from both sides said yes. So THAT'S where all those marks come from.

So what do the real statistics say? It would indicate that men are more aggressive, get more tickets and are involved in more accidents. Can you say testosterone? Young men in particular are driving challenged. More than twice as many males in the 16-19 year old age group become involved in accidents than their female counterparts.

So where is the final proof? It may come from those who make a living looking at driving statistics, those in the auto insurance industry. Sorry guys, it's true...women pay less than men. That can only lead us to believe that men are the worse drivers.

Either way, many insurance companies offer discounts for taking a defensive driving course or take online traffic school. These courses can be taken online for a nominal cost and the savings from the insurance rate reduction (5% to 15% discount) will significantly outweigh the cost of the course-and the course is available to both men and women!

Defensive Driving Mandated By State Laws

Defensive driving is the hallmark of a good vehicle operator, but it's also part of the law for emergency vehicles. Whenever you see police, fire or ambulances heading your way, you must move over and yield. It's a lesson taught in public schools, defensive driving schools, for-profit traffic courses, defensive driving classes and online defensive driving courses.

It's even taught in comedy driving schools, because the potentially tragic result from a failure to yield is no laughing matter.

Think of yielding to emergency vehicles as more than a civic obligation, but also a moral one - if the emergency services were coming to the aid of you or your family, you'd certainly want them to arrive with all due haste. Getting your vehicle out of the way ensures that the emergency services can proceed without interruption to its destination, potentially saving lives and property.

The Indiana law firm of Keller & Keller LLP, which specializes in construction zone vehicle accidents, claims many collisions and accidents in highway work areas happen when vehicles first enter the construction zone. The disruption of the traffic pattern is to blame, throwing drivers out of the road stupor that can occur when traveling for long periods of time and then encountering an unexpected delay.

The firm also cites driver impatience, speeding in the construction zone, heavy equipment blind spots, inattention to construction signs and poor merging as further potential causes of the vehicle incidents in such zones.

Some states are taking the obligation to their road crews one step further. As of September, 2013, Texas drivers are now required by law to move over or slow down when near state Department of Transportation workers and vehicles that are stopped with overhead flashing blue or amber lights. This is in addition to the traditional requirements to yield to police, fire and medical emergency vehicles.

The reason for the new law is the vast danger posed to workers who often find themselves exposed to the potentially fatal impact of vehicles moving through their work areas. More than 100 Texas Department of Transportation workers have been struck and killed since records were kept in 1938. With more drivers than ever on the road, the odds of tragedy happening have only increased, leading to the new state law.

Texas's "Move Over/Slow Down" law requires vehicles to avoid the lane closest to any state Department of Transportation vehicle when possible and to reduce speed to 20 miles per hour below the posted limit. For example, if the speed limit is 65, then motorists can only go a maximum of 45 miles per hour. Where speed limits are 25 miles per or less, drivers must slow to 5 miles per hour.

There are severe penalties for those who do not comply with this new Texas law. Violators face fines of up to $2,000. Many states multiply fines several times for any construction zone accident, also imposing loss of license and, in some cases, jail terms.

Specific information on driver obligations in construction zones is available from your state's Department of Motor Vehicles. But the best advice available in any work zone is common sense: slow down, drive defensively and watch out for workers and equipment.

Comedy Defensive Driving teaches the rules of the road in classrooms taught by experienced comedians. State approved and available across the nation, the courses are offered in two formats: Defensive Driving Online and Defensive Driving Classroom. It's a simple, fast and fun way to complete a defensive driving course. For additional information, please visit .

Energy Saving Tactics for Motorists

For many people, the amount of money they spend on motor fuel is their highest expenditure on energy, exceeding even the amount spent on the energy used in running their homes. It is possible to reduce motor fuel bills by a considerable amount by taking some fairly simple measures.

Making sure that the car is regularly serviced is one way to cut down on motor fuel costs. Car manufacturers always specify service guidelines, and it is sensible to acquaint yourself with these and abide by them. A car engine that is tuned accurately burns less fuel then one that is not. Over time, carbon deposits can build up on spark plugs, another factor that increases fuel burn. Apart from saving money on fuel, having your car serviced regularly increases its resale value.Check your tyre pressures frequently. Your owner's handbook will tell you what the optimum tyre pressures are for different conditions. Ensuring your tyre pressures are correct saves on fuel consumption, and also improves safety by reducing the risk of a blowout.Try to avoid heavy traffic. The kind of stop and start driving you have to do in heavy traffic really pushes fuel consumption through the roof. If you cannot avoid driving in peak times, listen to local traffic radio so that you can avoid the most congested routes.Look for opportunities to take your foot off the accelerator pedal. This does not mean you should coast, which is both illegal and dangerous. What it does mean is that when you are approaching a junction where you know you are going to have to stop, you should not be accelerating as you approach. It also means removing your foot from the pedal while you are stopped at traffic lights or level crossings.Avoid unnecessary trips in the car. Look for opportunities to combine trips. For example, you may be able to combine school runs with shopping trips.Keep all the car windows closed when driving at speed. Having the windows open increases drag on the car, which in turn burns more fuel. However, if you are driving in slow-moving traffic in warm weather, it is better to keep the windows open than to use the air conditioning.Join a car pool. If you drive to work everyday, you will probably know fellow workers who make the same trip. Substantial savings can be made by pooling. Your employer may already have a pooling scheme in operation. If not, consider starting one yourself. If you work for a small company with few employees, you may find other interested parties by advertising in a local paper.Switch the engine off at every opportunity, if it is convenient to do so. If you are stopped at traffic lights, for example, and there are several cars in front of you, switch off. You will have plenty of time to restart before you need to move. If you are collecting somebody, don't leave the engine running while you wait.Avoid carrying excess weight. You can reduce weight by taking things out of the car that you will not be using on the trip. You can also reduce weight by not carrying more fuel than you need to.

Fuel costs have gone up sharply in recent years, and the upward trend is likely to continue. As the price of fuel increases, the monetary value of savings you make by using it more efficiently also increases. The cumulative savings made by following the advice outlined above can be quite high.

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Energy Saving Tactics for MotoristsNot Rated Yet

Laura Ginn has published 113 articles. Article submitted on September 08, 2013. Word count: 575

Just remember you are in control, not your car. So stay calm, slow down and trust yourself when driving in winter weather conditions!

Written by: Andy Freshman

A large number of accidents happen on the road. A significant proportion of these accidents can be attributed to incorrect driving behavior, inadequate road knowledge and poor response to road settings and signs.

Written by: Ritesh Maity

As fuel prices climb people naturally look for ways to increase the miles per gallon. There are things you can do to increase your fuel mpg.

Written by: JD Durham

With a bad winter on it's way and councils cutting their road maintenance budget it could be a rough ride for driving instructors this season. With speed bumps and greater numbers of potholes in the road the tuition car may take some damage this winter.

Written by: Russell Chaplin

Attend 5 Day Intensive Driving Course London

All need to travel. Whether one needs to reach his office or college; he/she requires a mode of travel. There are a large number of people who choose to travel from their own car. People who use a car are aware that it is not easy to take care of a car. Good amount of money is invested by purchasing a car. It becomes important for the owners to take good care of their cars.

Most people understand that it is very important to drive cautiously. When drive a vehicle then they are supposed to drive in a responsible manner. There is always a risk of accident on the roads when a new driver is practicing. In order to reduce this risk, there are a few rules which all drivers should follow. One should never over speed his/her vehicle. People should understand that driving vehicle at a high speed increases the risk of accident. Also, one should drive a vehicle only when he is fully confident of driving it in a safe manner.

If someone has made up his mind to buy a new or used car then he also needs to learn driving. Anyone who does not know how to drive a car just need to contact professionals who teach driving. People can search about intensive driving guaranteed pass online these days. There are a few institutes which offer intensive driving guaranteed pass. People who do not know about such institutes just need to spend some of their time online. One should not hesitate in learning how to drive. Most people who drive well have learned driving from professionals.

All people love their cars and they would not like to see it banging with anything. People need to drive their cars in an impeccable manner if they want to avoid accidents. People who are looking for Fast track driving test booking just need to search for it online. Internet is the best place to search information about the Fast track driving test booking. There might be many people who wish to get a certification in driving. Such people do not need to bother much as they can find institutes which offer such certification online.

There are so many who have their own cars in the city of London. If someone wants to learn how to drive then he just needs to attend 5 day intensive driving course london. There might be many who do not know about any such course.

Such do not need to worry as they can enroll for 5 day intensive driving course london online. It should be understood that one can be a perfect driver in just five days. However, people can learn the basics of driving in a short span of time. They will be able to learn best when they drive a car themselves. However, till the time they are confident, they should always drive under expert supervision.

Prep Your Family For Roadside Assistance

In schools, our children practice fire, tornado, and disaster drills. There's a little secret the teachers use to make sure those drills go well. They become a game. Not only that, but the teachers have a bag prepped with materials to keep children quiet or busy, depending on what is happening.

Fast forward to a simple drive home from school or dance practice-and your car overheats or you blow a tire. Your first instinct is to call a tow service, but what do you do with the carpool of kids in your car?

The first thing to pack in your emergency car bag is a non-perishable snack. Go for crackers, dehydrated food, or maybe something that will take a very long time to unwrap. Get the kiddos going on that and enjoy a few minutes of dealing with your car without whining.

Next, think about activities. This can be something fun, something they never get to play with. Wrap up some dollar store toys in layers of paper so the kids have to keep on unwrapping. Again, you are trying to kill time, so put activities in there that will keep them occupied in a fun way.

In the event that you are out late, be sure to pack some mini-flashlights. If your car is stalled and you want to conserve your energy, it can be dark, and that can be scary for the kids. Giving them each a flashlight can give them the power to control the light and what they see. And come on, aren't shadow puppets fun?

I'm sure there are lots of tricks that you have as a parent to occupy your children on the road, but, when it comes to an emergency, prepare yourself. Realize your limits as a parent and understand that with the added stress of a vehicle failure you may not be as on your game as you usually are. That's why prepping a secret, "fun bag" is a great way to buy yourself the time to keep everyone safe

If a case does arrive where you happen to be stuck on the side of the road make sure you find a quality company with good ratings. The last thing you want is to be stranded at night and have poor service.

Simple Ways to Save Gas

With the high price of gas, everyone is looking for ways to consume less fuel on a regular basis. Buying a smaller or more fuel-efficient car is not practical for everyone, but with some thought and effort you can take steps to improve the fuel efficiency of any vehicle. Most fuel saving tips require little to no time, making them easy to put into practice.

Maintaining your car's tires is one of the easiest ways to save on money at the gas pump. Your car's manufacturer provides the recommended air pressure for the tires both in the owner's manual and on a sticker in the driver's doorjamb. According to the United States Department of Energy, an average car's gas mileage decreases by .3 percent for every 1 psi of tire pressure lost in all four of a car's tires. Also, if your car's tires are worn out, they will slip on the road instead of gripping the surface, causing your car to use even more gas.

Remove roof racks, roof pods and luggage carriers if you are not going to be using them in the immediate future. Anything that mounts to the outside of your car negatively impacts its aerodynamics. This means your car's engine has to work harder to maintain the same speed on the road, increasing how much gas it consumes.

Check the air filter regularly. Most air filters are located in the engine compartment, inside a black plastic box that is secured with metal clips. The air filter literally filters particles out of the air, such as dust or pollen, before they enter the engine and cause problems with its operation. If the air filter accumulates too much debris, it begins starving the engine for oxygen, causing it to burn more fuel. Replacing the air filter regularly lowers your car's gas consumption.

Combine trips whenever possible. This takes conscious thought and planning, instead of you just hopping in your car and running errands on a whim. If you want to go out to eat, but you also need to swing by the dry cleaners or run other errands, try to do them all at the same time, especially if they are in the same general area of the city.

Avoid idling your car's engine whenever possible. Some hybrid vehicles actually shut off the engine when the car is stopped, turning the engine back on when the driver takes his foot off the brake pedal. Idling produces unnecessary pollution and burns gas when you are going nowhere. The next time you are waiting for your food at the drive through or are waiting in line outside the bank, turn off your car's engine unless you are moving forward.

Use air conditioning instead of rolling down your windows. In most modern cars, the air conditioner's compressor places little load on the engine, affecting the car's gas mileage only slightly. Rolling down the car's windows affects the car's aerodynamics, meaning the engine uses more gas. Remember that using the air conditioning not only feels better, but it also saves gas.

Follow your manufacturer's recommendation for engine oil. Using the wrong type of engine oil decreases the engine's efficiency, lowering its gas mileage. Most cars have the recommended oil printed on the engine's oil cap. If you don't find the recommended oil on the cap, check the owner's manual.

Learn Driving and Drive Safe

Driving is an art, which you cannot learn without an instructor or a guide, who teaches you all about the techniques of driving. A perfect driving lesson should be given to the beginners who are going learn the art of driving. No one else can teach the lessons that are taught at a driving school. Now days, the roads are getting more busy with more number of vehicles on them, so when you are out on the streets with your vehicles, you need to be very careful. You can only drive your vehicle safely because you do not have control on others.

The driving school in Queens i.e. AA Automobile Club Of Long Island Inc. gives you education, trains you as a driver, make you ready for the road test, fixes appointments for the road test and provides the best of courses for defensive. Driving school in queens teach you how to sharpen your skills in driving. When you are on the roads, you do not know the condition of the roads neither do you know the speed of other drivers out there, traffic laws, signals etc.

Being trained from school in queens gives you training that are cost efficient and even helps you in learning the skills of defensive. Instructors here are professionals yet very friendly in behavior. The instructors help you in correcting your mistakes, so that you give a perfect driving test. The school in queens will surely save enough of your precious time and even money. Our institute will provide you learning with latest model of cars so that you are at comfort in knowing the latest technologies. The instructors here at school will answer to any question that you have. The training given here by our instructors will surely make you a safer and better driver in the future.

The institute provides you with fully insured and bonded agreements. They are highly equipped. They will make you aware of all the rules and regulations of the roads and give you special instructions, which will help you understand other drivers with you on the roads. Such training results in preventing many accidents on the roads.

AA automobile club of long island inc. help you in getting the right kind of training before moving out on the streets with your favorite cars. This school makes better drivers and safer roads.

Alen cock is the author of this article. In this article he has shared lot of knowledge about Driving School in Queens and Driving Lesson. He has written many articles on Driving Schools.

You Might be a Bad Driver If...

Post Excerpt:
Where are all the bad drivers coming from? Perhaps, just perhaps, we are them. How do you know if your a bad driver?

I have this feeling we all think we are pretty good drivers. I mean, we may admit to being a bit lead footed at times. In a weak moment we may even accept that parallel parking may not be our strongest skill, but I think overall, we all think we are pretty good behind the wheel.

The problem is, if we are such pretty good drivers, who are all these people with road rage getting angry at? Just who are they yelling at and saluting with hand gestures? Are these just psychotics who enjoy making grotesque, angry faces and hearing the sound of their own horns, or is it possible that some of us aren't as adept on the highways as we may believe? Should some of us permanently call shotgun and just go along for the ride? Finally, just how do we know who we are?

Here's the test. "You Might Be a Bad Driver If...."

When you say "I'll Drive", your friends look pale and lose the ability to speak coherently.Your vehicle has dents on three or more of its four corners.You think a yellow traffic light means "Faster, faster!"The police officers in your town don't have to ask you for your Driver's license, as they already know the number, along with your address. They can also tell you how many points you have on your driving record and whether you're eligible to do online traffic school.You believe people should be going at LEAST 10 miles above the posted limit.You've ever speed up unnecessarily when someone pulls out on the road in front of you.You've cussed at another driver with your in-laws in the car.

You're afraid to tell anyone how many points you have on your driver's license.

You no longer have a driver's license.You think traffic laws, signs, and road markers are for amateurs.

The lettering on the side of your tires is worn off from rubbing against curbs.

When neighbor children see you driving home, they run to their porches.Instead of chasing it, the neighborhood dogs run away from your car.You've ever looked sheepishly at your passenger and said "oops".Your front passenger side carpeting is severely worn from passengers attempting to hit the brake.You have your car insurance agent on speed dial.Your passengers have their seatbelts on before you even get in.Your body shop sends you a gift for Christmas...and your birthday...and your anniversary.The reality is, our self-perception of our driving skills is probably different from reality. Maybe the next time we get into a bit of a rage about another driver's lack of skills, we should consider our own limitations and do a better job at defensive driving. Maybe we just need to laugh at ourselves a bit, and understand we can all momentarily be subjected to distractions that may affect our driving. Rate this Article

You Might be a Bad Driver If...Not Rated Yet

Marion Bachman has published 2 articles. Article submitted on September 27, 2013. Word count: 416

When you think of autos, you have got a lot of choices interns of makes and moreover models to choose from.

Written by: David Charles

It's a quick and profitable way of selling a car. Here you have some hints you might pay some attention to while trying to trade your car in.

Written by: Torri Myler

Getting cheap car insurance is very easily provided you look for it in the right places. It is essential that the cars should be insured because they cost a lot of money and you might face a serious loss if something happens to the car. Also, some insurance companies offer discounts.

Written by: Amanda Mattcutt

Being retired does not guarantee that you are a safe driver. You might have more experience than some of the younger generation, but there are still accidents that happen and even new concerns that you should be aware of. As you age, you should be sure to keep up on traffic safety.

Written by: Lawrence Reaves

Advanced Driving Lessons For Trouble-Free Driving

Driving lessons are not only important for novice drivers or young people working to improve their skills. They are also good for learners of all ages. In Calgary, there are several schools which train a large number of people. Driving schools in Calgary not only provide basic driving lessons but also brush-up courses and advanced lessons. Driving schools make sure they leave their students as better drivers than they were when they came in. Advanced lessons provide several benefits and allow you to grow as a responsible driver.

Driving in city of Calgary where the winters are very snowy, uncomfortable and dry can be difficult for new drivers or inexperienced ones. Hence, these advanced lessons are designed so as to make you knowledgeable about how to navigate the extreme driving conditions and situations. These are not only limited to law enforcement officers or for the people who drive emergency vehicles, rather these are also meant for anyone, including young drivers who wish to be more responsible on the road. Advanced learning starts from where basic driving leaves you off.

Keep on reading to know what you will learn in advanced driving lessons.

Develop Observation: Observation is one of the most important things you will learn in this course from this school in Calgary. You will be taught how to observe the road, be aware what's going around you, and be aware of the dangers so that you can get prepared and develop good judgment.

Various threats and emergency handling: As per the climatic conditions of Calgary, weather poses various threats on roads. Advanced lessons make you train on how to handle your automobile in various hazardous conditions like fog, snow, rain, ice, sleet etc. these lessons also cover skidding lessons which cover up how to control your vehicle when it begun to skid. These lessons help you to stay in the right frame of mind and take proper action by using your advanced driving skills. These lessons make your mind sharp and develop good observation in you so that you can pay attention to what is on road. Many of the accidents happen because drivers do not pay heed to what is on the road. For instance, after the long dry period, rain gets mixed into the oil leaked on the highway which leads to accident.

Proper car handling: These advanced lessons cover up all the measures of car handling like optimum car condition of your car tires, having correct tire pressure, handling brakes correctly, fuel efficiency etc. Apart from this you will also learn motorway driving and night driving which makes you more confident and safer on roads. In advanced classes you will learn expert techniques that you haven't learned in your basic driving classes.

To learn advanced driving you can join the best driving school Calgary. Never opt for the schools that only provide you theoretical lessons. Always opt for the professional and experienced schools.

Driving is the professional and expert driving school which is certified by the Government of Alberta. We also help you to learn the traffic rules to become a safe, polite and perfect driver. Our Driving lessons packages are flexible and can be negotiate depending on your goals. Our main focus is on driver skills training and driver safety.

Three Reasons to Use an Online California Traffic School

Not everyone is aware that they can use an online California traffic school when they receive a ticket. People that are new to the area, have never had a ticket before or never gave the idea much thought are often surprised to find out that this can be a cost-effective way to get rid of a citation.

Saving money

Online resources like this will not work for all situations. Minor tickets such as parking tickets are not appropriate for this purpose. The same is true for anyone picked up for a DUI or driving under the influence. The ticket needs to be one that falls into the category of a "moving violation." These can be speeding tickets, either on surface streets or the freeways, failure to signal when turning or making a lane change, erratic driving, unsafe lane change, failure to use headlights when needed, or many other things that commonly occur as people drive through the state. People can receive a citation from local police, the California Highway Patrol or a sheriff's department.

The basics are that tickets often cost hundreds of dollars to pay. Driving school is often about $20 or sometimes less. Most people would rather pay the lower fee.

No insurance hikes to rates

Insurance premiums in California are some of the highest in the nation. People here may pay hundreds of dollars more than they would if they had the same car and coverage but lived somewhere else. When insurance companies discover that a subscriber has a new ticket, they almost always raise the costs of premiums. This is something that doesn't go away either - the increase is likely to be permanent.

Going to traffic school and completing the course essentially removes the ticket from a person's record. It is like it never happened. This keeps the ticket off the insurance company's radar. The added benefit for some people will be that they might have a previous ticket. Some insurance companies will cancel a person's coverage if they feel there is a pattern of getting tickets.

Better driving skills and knowledge

The added benefit to a person taking this kind of course is that they will almost always gain new knowledge and skills about driving. This helps them to be not only a better driver but also possibly also a safer one. People may also find themselves looking at driving in general from a new and more educated perspective.

How to Find The Right Online Traffic Schools in California?

If you end up with a traffic ticket in the state of California, you get assigned a specified court date for a hearing. This may result in getting you involved in any one of the following, depending on the course of action you opt for;

You could compromise to waive off your rights to a hearing and simply pay for the amount of fine that has been issued for your violation.Or you might end up attending a traffic school in California.Or you might engage an attorney so that you may go to court to deal against the misjudgment of the officer.

The easiest option is to pay the fine and get done with the issue. The longest and most expensive one is challenging the officer's decision. The ideal option is to join a traffic school in California. This helps in getting the ticket points removed as well as in avoiding an increase in auto insurance rates.

The first thing to do is to read the traffic courts instructions carefully. This usually includes the names and information about traffic schools in California; both conventional classroom courses and online driving courses, the ticket amount, the deadline of payment of ticket, whether attending an online driving school is an option or not and a list of approved insttutes in California. The main purpose behind these traffic courses is to remind the drivers about the basic traffic rules.

In certain cases, defensive driving courses are to be taken where severe violations have taken place.

Before choosing a traffic school for yourself there are a few things to be considered;

Cost factor: with the market of online traffic schools expanding, there are now a number of schools offering low prices and cheaper rates.

Presentation: some websites are too cluttered up and the courses are not well structured/ planned. This often results in the driver's quitting and opting for other options, which is a total waste of money. Most of the online traffic schools have sample material on their websites.

Time factor: to evaluate yourself as to how fast you can prepare yourself for the final test. Some online traffic courses bind you to go through each and every module which of course is more time consuming. Whereas there are those that skip the basics and focus on the harder parts of the course.

Mode of completion: One can either complete their course in a single session or opt for a course that gives breaks and helps one get through as per their convenience. It is a time period set by the offender and the institute in which the course has to be completed, before the final exam.

Online traffic schools provide courses that need a time dedication of about six hours. The course outlines mostly include quizzes, short videos and interactive animations. These courses are comprehensively structured, to improve the driver's skills and traffic laws knowledge.

Traffic school online is a great option for all those who want to learn the basics of traffic regulations and get your traffic ticket dismissed. For more information about Driving Courses Online and California Online Traffic School you can visit website

Tips to Ride Car with Comfort and Ease for Pregnant Woman

Indeed, many women like to do activities in their working place every day. If you always use a vehicle when going to your working place, it means that you have to use it wisely, especially if you are in pregnant condition. Women can still ride car when they pregnant. One thing for sure Pregnant Woman should ride the cars carefully so that it does not injure the condition of their body and baby. There are several tips that you can use below so that you will be able to make your activities in riding car becomes easier to do. Pregnant Women Driving Driving tips for Pregnant WomenFirst, Pregnant Woman should not forget to use safety belt when riding car. Before that, make sure you sit in a better position so that you will be able to feel comfort. In addition, if you want to drive, make sure to do it slowly. Do not let push yourself to ride faster whatever the condition is. It is obvious because riding car faster can endanger yourself as well as your baby. Make sure to double check the safety belt so that it has been placed tightly in your body. After you have done this, you can start to ride your vehicle, right now. Second, Pregnant Woman should feel comfort when riding. It is obvious that riding your car with comfort will be able to make you find easier to enjoy your travelling moment. Do not forget to backward your chair so that it can make you feel easier to ride later. Why you have to do this? Sometimes, Pregnant Woman will have big belly when they have experienced 6 month of pregnancy. Due to this reason, you have to backward your chair so that you will feel comfort later. Third, make sure to give something soft in your back. Pregnant Woman should assure this facility when they want to ride this vehicle. It can be done by giving towel in your bag or small pillow so that you will be able to feel enjoy when riding the car. In addition, do not do something that can make you feel uncomfortable such as calling your friends while riding with your car, and many more. Doing this activity, can also make you feel comfortable when using car. There are many women who want to provide this facility when riding car. It gives many benefits to you. Lastly, Pregnant Women should not push themselves to ride car for a long time. For that reason, you have to take a rest for a while after you drive for several minutes. Doing this activity can make you feel relax and ease. Driving car for long time will make you unable to do activities with best performance since you will feel really tired later. It is best for you to ride car with someone that can ride the car too. As a result, you will be able to change with them when you get tired. When you take rest after riding, make sure to do it with comfort. Gustic BW Photo Gustic BW currently working at Sigma Intermedia Sinergi Jakarta as Search Engine Marketing analyst. He has written numerous of articles about automotive, including at Rate this Article

Tips to Ride Car with Comfort and Ease for Pregnant WomanRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Gustic BW has published 3 articles. Article submitted on October 14, 2013. Word count: 498

Just remember you are in control, not your car. So stay calm, slow down and trust yourself when driving in winter weather conditions!

Written by: Andy Freshman

One of the biggest societal changes hitting the world like a storm is the rapid boom in automobile technology. No one has the time or patience to wait for public transport and cars have become a necessity rather than a luxury nowadays.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Safe driving is the panacea to the increasing cases of vehicular accidents today. And safe driving starts with the proper inspection of your automobile. Before you start the engine of your car make sure that all the equipments in your car are in perfect state.

Written by: Nina Corales

Passing a driving test, just like any other test, can cause an immense amount of anxiety and it is this very anxiety that keeps most people from performing well once they resume their position behind the steering wheel.

Written by: Laura Ginn

The Five Most Common Causes of Automobile Accidents

It's an unfortunate statistic, but many of us have been in automobile accidents before and had to deal with the requisite (and expensive) auto repairs that resulted from the experience. These auto repairs can be costly and frustrating because they often keep our main method of transportation off the road for long periods of time. We want to get back on the road again as quickly as possible. But often, it seems the best way to prevent costly auto repairs and to keep us on the road is simply to avoid them in the first place. While sometimes bad luck does play a role in accidents occurring, here are the five most common causes of accidents that all drivers should be aware of at all times in order to reduce the risk of accidents happening to them.

1. Distraction: It happens to the best us. We take a phone call in the car, text while driving, we deal with kids arguing in the backseat, pets climbing on our laps, even sometimes, we simply have a lot on our minds. Big report due at work soon? Performance review coming up? Familial or relationship troubles? We should be aware of what things cause us to be the most distracted and do whatever we can to limit these from occurring while we are driving.

2. Fatigue: We've all been there. Driving home after a long day or work, maybe our morning commute after staying up late to finish that big project, whatever the case, you're tired which can lead to reduced reaction time, being more easily distracted, and taking your eyes off the road. If you're tired then consider an alternate means of transportation or perhaps a nap before you get in the car to go home.

3. Non-driving activities: You've seen it before. That guy shaving in the car on the way to work, that lady applying lipstick. Then of course there's Mr. Latte Guzzler and Ms. Cheeseburger Chomper. When driving we should keep our eyes on the road at all times and not involve other activities that can reduce reaction times, aid in distracting us, and lead to poor driving decisions you wouldn't have otherwise made.

4. Road and weather conditions: Road and weather conditions are a huge factor in causing accidents. Icy road? Dumping rain? Roads under construction or poorly maintained? Maybe you can find another way home that avoids these potential hazards.

5. Medical or emotional trauma: Are you sick as a dog? Not feeling well? Perhaps you shouldn't be driving then. Driving while sick can lead to fatigue and distraction just as listed above. This goes double if you've recently been through some kind of emotionally traumatic experiences. In these situations consider getting a ride from a friend, using public transportation, or better yet, just staying home.

There are lots of reasons why your car might need auto repair chantilly va . Accidents are a major cause of these situations and are never fun for anyone involved. We want to do everything we can to limit accidents and stay on the road as much as possible. Keeping the above-listed common causes of accidents in mind can help you lessen your risk of being involved in such an accident and incurring a major auto repair bill as a result.

Methods to Subside The Storm of Sleep While Trucking In The Night!

Trucking filled with adventure, you are safe till you are alert and if you slip the other side, you are in danger. Biggest risk of accidents is massively increasing day by day. Reasons are many to specify, but prevention is better than cure!

Truckers should be honored for their hard work, dedication and the love they have for the nation. There are no timings followed for trucking. Any day, any time work keeps flooding in. You need to be prepared for all the consequences coming your way. However, delivery is done on time, no matter it is morning or evening.

However, if there is an urgent delivery to take place, night trucking cannot be ignored. Here are some accepted ways to keep you stirring all night.

Understanding the limitations of your body before fixing up the night trucking.Cling to singing, hearing songs or murmuring something all night to keep your sleep away. You can also indulge in few dance steps if you are fond of dancing at the truck stop. (No dancing on the road like we read in fiction books though!).Get a companion, friend or your spouse to share the distance together or simply someone to accompany you all the way till your destination.Indulge in light meals rather than fixing a heavy meal. Usually, heavy meals should be avoided as it brings down your body pace and finally, leading to tiredness. Grabbing healthy snacks from time to time would indeed help you in staying awake.Go for Driver's Alarm, an instrument like which fits in your ears perfectly. It would start beeping as your neck inclines down due to sleep.Keep your side window open. The chill passing air will not let you sleep.Short walk can act marvelous while you are retreating yourself midway.It is recommended to catch good sleep during the day time and the night before so that sleep would be no where around you while driving. You are likely to eliminate accidents as well.

Drinking Would Keep Your Sleep Away... Check Out The Beverages You Can Consume While Driving:

Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant, temporarily warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness. It is highly recommended and also found effective. (Do take up a detail study of caffeine before consuming it).Sip iced tea with a punch of lemon. Effective energy drink plus can give your body great relaxation.Take fruits like Apple and Banana are packed with natural energy molecules.Chewing gums make you to fight drowsiness.

You can carry spicy, hot, tasty snacks to keep munching all the way and stimulating your taste buds and mind alive.

With night trucking as a job role for the month or week, it is indeed difficult to run around and file your return to IRS. E-filing is the simplest and the easiest, less time consuming unlike paper filing. supports e-filing of various forms online. Your work is customized into simple; computer based form where you need to file in the basic business details and submits your form 2290 to IRS and choosing the method of payment.

Once your return is approved by IRS, you receive your schedule-1 copy in minutes. Isn't it as easy as 1...2...3...! Yes it is, indeed. So truckers, no matter which corner of the world you are rolling, file your return right from seat within minutes. August has slipped in, time is flying by. Do file your return online at and experience the magic yourself. Happy e-filing truckers!

Flora Anderson, an e-tax professional at a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290, Form 720, Form 8849 etc, my articles will reflect trucker friendly ideologies, methods and steps to e-file your forms with ease. For any queries, you can reach @ 866-245-3918 or email us on for instance response. Rate this Article

Methods to Subside The Storm of Sleep While Trucking In The Night!Not Rated Yet

Flora Anderson has published 19 articles. Article submitted on August 13, 2013. Word count: 570

Everyone has a dream to make the online trucking website best truck junction, but it demands some sincere efforts and aggressive approach. Some of the leading requirements are the wider availabilities of trucks like the semi trucks, dump trucks, lifted trucks and tow trucks.

Written by: Prageeth Acharya

While you're waiting you begin to set up the first call to your insurance provider. The tow truck arrives but, you don't know where to send your car yet, you haven't been able to obtain a referral that quickly from your insurance agent.

Written by: Dan Newlin

A number of dealers put out bikes on sale. Of course most of them are Second Hand Bikes that have been used by someone and are now put on sale. The Second Hand Bikes have been serving the best choice for those who cannot afford a brand new bike.

Written by: Robt Jackson

The most important thing while riding on your bicycle is that, are you comfortable with your ride. Importantly while riding with mountain bikes. Size of the bike and distance between your feet to ground matters a lot.

Written by: Vicky Rana

Road Side Assistance San Diego is Quite Common on Rainy Days

It is quite common that people need road side assistance. Usually people are aware about their car problems and other troubles regarding their vehicles. It is common that in rainy seasons people face lot of trouble with their vehicles. One cannot say when these vehicles give trouble. The streets and freeways are found with left over vehicles often on rainy days. Vehicle owners face unusual strain and stress on these days. Everybody knows that in winter season and rainy season's vehicles suffer from starting problem. Dead vehicles can make streets very congested and inconvenient for the people. In rainy seasons drivers tend to be distracted because of many reasons and there is chance of forgetting to turn off their headlights and many other careless actions towards their vehicles can make it suffer from low battery. Everything occurs without their knowledge, but it will reduce the life of battery of vehicles.

Road side assistance San Diego becomes an essential part of the daily life in rainy season. Apart from weak battery and dead batteries problems, vehicles get another most common problem that is flat tires. Due to various reasons flat tires troubles vehicles. Due to low air pressure it may become flat, or due to high speed the tyres might becomes worn out and it might eventually gives up in the middle of journey. There are so many reasons why people become less comfortable in rain season. Lot of tension will be built up when their vehicles develops some problem.

Road side assistance San Diego makes a lot of difference in the lives of people in San Diego area. They need to have the numbers to call in emergency when they are travelling. Therefore while travelling people need to write down the numbers of road assistance so that they can get immediate assistance when something goes wrong while travelling. When people travel alone they should keep emergency contact number of their help and they should not forget to keep a small booklet that contains all emergency numbers so that they can get suitable assistance in case of emergency.

Try to call the company which is nearer to the place where you have left the vehicle, so that you can get speedy assistance. People suffer from flat tires, puncture problems, shortage of gasoline, pressure less flat tires, headlight not working properly and there is lot of fog in the atmosphere, dead batteries, side mirrors not working properly, jump start of the engine and so on. People like to lead tension free life and they become tense if they have to face so many problems. Therefore they have to keep the number of road side assistance so that all their problems can be solved with a simple phone call. Therefore one should keep all necessary phone numbers that can be contacted when there is an emergency.

James Richard is an experienced and authorized writer and publisher, he regularly writes as a blogger in SEO/social media department. Now he providing valuable information on Road side assistance San Diego Rate this Article

Road Side Assistance San Diego is Quite Common on Rainy DaysNot Rated Yet

Jams Richards has published 19 articles. Article submitted on August 05, 2013. Word count: 470

Whether you're an off-road enthusiast or just want the biggest, baddest truck around, knowing how to properly measure the lift height on your vehicle can be pretty important. It's a simple procedure, but it's not really common knowledge, so here's a quick run-down of what you need to do.

Written by: Tammy Collins

In addition, except outside side tumbling, malice testing is also test vehicles of the strength of the upper structure one way, jpmorgan chase V80 school bus then will also carry out this test, to test the results we will also continue to pay attention.

Written by: Jodie Mht

Truckers Assist, truck repair and trailer towing provides reliable 24 hour emergency roadside truck repair assistance, wrecker services, fleet breakdown service and towing for all trucks and logistics Industries.

Written by: Ronna Kaleah

This article is about the towing service and service provider companies that give assistance for replacing the vehicle. Nobody ever plans on having their car towed unless it's intentional. Breakdown of cars or trucks are often unplanned and always occur at the wrong time.

Written by: Ajeet Panday

How to Get a Driving License?

The first and foremost step is to first learn how to drive from authentic and good driving teaching school. When you think, you become good enough for driving go to the office who issue driving license. Get the Permit from them. The permit is not very long and have a lot of useful information packed for you. Carefully read these all as knowing it, will help you pass, and will also make you a safer driver.

Many state laws generally requires from beginning driver to obtain first a learner's permit before they can get behind the wheel. These requirements vary from state to state but some of general qualifications to know are:

Be of minimum age on average it is 15 years oldProof of identity like birth certificate, ID card, marriage certificate, or any other official documentation.Proof of residential addressThe signature of the parent/legal guardian, along with the license number must be listed on the application.Pass a vision screening test.Take the written test.Have your picturePay the testing and permit fees.

Before stepping up your wheels on the roads, you should read the manual once again to make sure that you will pass the test. From saving your precious time first schedule the driver license test appointment. That will also feel feasible for preparation point of view.When you are finished with the scheduling arrange the necessary documentation with you. This documentation generally includes:

Your permit.Proof of identityAddressProof of age.Filled application

After completing a documentation now it's time to pass tests both written and vision examination. It will be just like the last one. Then prepare yourself for the best tunes and take because next is Driving Test. Be confident, be safe, and treat Officer Friendly with respect and this is it.If you get passed then there is opportunity to get the international driving permit comes.The same procedure is to be done when you are going to apply for the international driving license. Every time you will need your own vehicle so it must be in safe operating condition best of luck with this. I am sure you will going to pass it.

The unofficial International Driver License issued by the IDL CENTER is a translation of a national official driver's license. International driver permit issued by governmental agencies or private organizations designated by a country's government are the only official translations of a person's driver's license. Our unofficial international translation of driver's license has no official status and does not confer any legal privileges or rights on customers Rate this Article

How to Get a Driving License?Not Rated Yet

Natasha Niazi has published 11 articles. Article submitted on August 15, 2013. Word count: 346

With any new skill being learned, the more practice the quicker that skill improves. This is as true of learning to drive as learning to do anything else. If you have a learner driver in the family, or as a friend, accompanying them when they practice driving will help them pass their driving.

Written by: Trish Haill

For anybody who is purchasing or trading around 3 motor vehicles annually in Florida without permission, that person is making a criminal offence. If you are doing the same, halt right away to get yourself a motor vehicle dealer's license that suits your dealership terms.

Written by: Abdullah Ahmad

There can often be major differences in the driving demands of test centres. Some may require the bay park manoeuvre to be demonstrated whereas some may have a more complicated road system for the general drive.

Written by: Russell Chaplin

An Introduction to New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Points If you are convicted of a moving violation in New Jersey, the Motor Vehicle Commission will add points to your driving record. Different violations have different point values, with more points for more serious violations.

Written by: Atul Chaudhary

Parallel And Vertical Parking - How To Park Your Car Properly?

Everyone who has learnt driving from a school is familiar with the fact that parking is one of the first things taught by the instructor. And there are ample reasons for it. Learning proper methods of parking is no less important than learning how to drive safely. In fact, it is often found that a person who is a good driver is not very efficient in his parking skills. On the other hand, it is clear that a person who has good parking skills is surely a very good driver. Therefore, whether it is vertical or parallel parking, people have an immense amount of difficulty in learning the proper steps. In this post, let us find out the step-by-step procedure to park a car like an expert. Parallel parking is the most common type of parking that we see around us - the most common being parking lots. It requires the driver to drive the car a little ahead of the parking space, keep it parallel to the vehicle parked ahead or behind (or both) the space, and reversing the car in the space while constantly maintaining a safe distance with other vehicles. Parallel Parking Following is how you can master parallel parking: Drive the car a little ahead of the parking space. Precisely, it is 1 meter away from the left curb.Make sure to check the rear view mirror, left blind spot and the right side mirror. Once you are ready, switch on the right signal and engage the reverse gear.Turn the steering wheel fully to the right when you see your sighting point.Reverse the vehicle slowly. You need to become careful not to bump your vehicle into anything. Once you have fully reversed, straighten the rear tire.When the wheel touches the line, turn fully to the right again. Make sure that the wheel is not hitting the curb behind and bring back the steering wheel to center.Have you ever seen vertical car parking systems? Unlike the vertical car parking system where cars get parked one over the other, this type of parking refers to a very common sight where lines of cars get parked along a sidewalk. It is as tricky as its parallel counterpart, and acute precision is a necessity for the driver. Vertical Parking Following is how you can master vertical parking: Drive the car ahead and bring it about half a car length past the parking space. Check properly and make sure that your car is parallel to the curb and also the other cars parked there.Engage the reverse gear and slowly drive the car backwards. Turn the steering wheel to the right and start entering the space.Look carefully into both the side mirrors to check how close your car is to the curb. As the rear end of your car has entered the space, move the steering wheel back to center to straighten the car.Once the car is straight, drive forward and turn the steering wheel to the left and again to center to straighten your car further.Repeat this process until you are satisfied with the adjustments. Once the car is the middle of the space and parallel to the curb, you have successfully parked the car.Parking a car is not rocket science, but you need skill as well as confidence to get it done properly. Bear this points in mind, and it's hoped that things will end up smoothly the next time. Drew Graham is the owner of company which manufactures vertical parking lifts . Based in Los Angeles, he is also an avid blogger and takes deep interest in automobiles. In this article, he recalls his time at driving school and brings forward the proper steps by which you can learn both parallel and vertical parking. Rate this Article

Parallel And Vertical Parking - How To Park Your Car Properly?Not Rated Yet

Drew Graham has published 2 articles. Article submitted on August 13, 2013. Word count: 562

The internet is a vast world filled with pages of information regarding used car reviews. Make sure you search pages that upload genuine details regarding cars and rate them according to their performance. Searching a car in this way is way easier and might get you the best possible deal for.

Written by: Amanda Mattcutt

Toyota Prius Hybrid batteries eventually deteriorate so they cannot be recharged. Hybrid battery rebuilds are possible if you know how. There is an eBook available online that can save you a great deal of money in more ways than one.

Written by: Peter Nisbet

There is saying that to know a man, you just have to look at the car he owns and more importantly how he has maintained it. Today owning a car is more than just a transportation device and has become a status symbol.

Written by: Girish Babu

Road trips are a great opportunity to quench your thirst for adventure and experience new things. When you are faced with car problems such as out of balance tires or improper wheel alignment, this can be troublesome during your drive.Before you hit the road get the car ready and undertake checks.

Written by: Kadzo Karisa

Prep Your Family For Roadside Assistance

In schools, our children practice fire, tornado, and disaster drills. There's a little secret the teachers use to make sure those drills go well. They become a game. Not only that, but the teachers have a bag prepped with materials to keep children quiet or busy, depending on what is happening.

Fast forward to a simple drive home from school or dance practice-and your car overheats or you blow a tire. Your first instinct is to call a tow service, but what do you do with the carpool of kids in your car?

The first thing to pack in your emergency car bag is a non-perishable snack. Go for crackers, dehydrated food, or maybe something that will take a very long time to unwrap. Get the kiddos going on that and enjoy a few minutes of dealing with your car without whining.

Next, think about activities. This can be something fun, something they never get to play with. Wrap up some dollar store toys in layers of paper so the kids have to keep on unwrapping. Again, you are trying to kill time, so put activities in there that will keep them occupied in a fun way.

In the event that you are out late, be sure to pack some mini-flashlights. If your car is stalled and you want to conserve your energy, it can be dark, and that can be scary for the kids. Giving them each a flashlight can give them the power to control the light and what they see. And come on, aren't shadow puppets fun?

I'm sure there are lots of tricks that you have as a parent to occupy your children on the road, but, when it comes to an emergency, prepare yourself. Realize your limits as a parent and understand that with the added stress of a vehicle failure you may not be as on your game as you usually are. That's why prepping a secret, "fun bag" is a great way to buy yourself the time to keep everyone safe

If a case does arrive where you happen to be stuck on the side of the road make sure you find a quality company with good ratings. The last thing you want is to be stranded at night and have poor service.

How Many Points Do I Get For Speeding in Texas?

The driving demerit point system in Texas is relatively simple compared to most other states. Simple does not necessarily mean more lenient, however. Rather than maintaining a long list of traffic violations and a corresponding number of points for them, Texas only uses a couple basic rules for issuing traffic tickets.

The Texas Point System

You will receive 2 points on your license for a standard moving violation, and 3 points for a moving violation resulting in an accident. These rules do not include more serious violations such as DUI, driving on a suspended license, or committing a hit-and-run, all of which can result in immediate license suspension and heavy recurring fines.

There are certain exceptional violations which may get you a ticket with a fine, but will not grant any Texas traffic violation points. Speeding less than 10% over the limit or not wearing a seatbelt may earn you a fine, but will not put points on your record. Speeding more than 10% over the limit will count as a standard moving violation, and will earn you 2 points (or 3 if you get into an accident).

Driver Responsibility Program

The Texas Driver Responsibility Program (DRP) ensures that points stay on your Texas license for 3 years from your conviction date. If you incur a total of 6 points in 3 years, you will be charged $100 annually until those points are removed. You will charged an additional $25 for every point past 6 in a 3-year time period. If driving behavior does not change, your license might be suspended.

Recurring Violation Surcharges

Texas has some of the harshest punishments in the union when it comes to DUIs. If you are caught driving under the influence, you will be charged an initial fine and recurring annual fines for 3 years after your conviction. Your first DUI will cost you $1000 a year. Two or more DUIs will cost $1500 a year. A DUI at twice the legal blood alcohol limit (.16% BAC) will cost a whopping $2000 a year. That means a lone night of irresponsible drinking could cost you $6000 plus a lot of other potential damages to your driving record, even if you don't get into an accident.

Other violations, like driving on a suspended license, will cost you $250 a year and will probably lead to a huge extension of your suspension period.

Your Options if You Get a Ticket

You basically have 3 options if you are charged with speeding or any other moving violation. Your first option is to admit guilt, pay the fine, and incur the points on your record. Your second option is to attempt to fight the ticket in court. Many people are successful in overturning tickets if they can build a strong enough case for their innocence, or if the accusing police officer does not show in court. Thirdly, you can have the ticket dismissed by attending a Texas driving safety course. These online courses can be taken once a year, and will nullify points and fines from any standard moving violation. They are the best option for someone getting dangerously close to losing their license or paying heavy surcharges.

Texas Defensive Course is your one-way ticket to a clean driving record without any hassle! Remove points from your license and keep your insurance rates low with fast, easy, and self-paced courses designed for your convenience. Sign up today at

Which Gender is The Worse Driver, Men or Women?

In the great debate of who are worse drivers, men or women, the answer may be "it depends". It depends on who you ask and what your definition of "worse" is. Let's take a look. recently released a survey from 1,000 drivers, and identified responses by gender.

Here are some of their more interesting results: When ask if they had ever "sped up significantly to prevent someone from passing", 28% of men said yes while only 25% of women did. That's one strike against the guys. When it comes to "brake checking" someone following too close, 30% of women admitted to the procedure while only 27% of the men did. Sorry, ladies.

When it comes to tailgating someone for driving too slowly, it would appear women do it more often.The survey said 21% of females tailgated, with only 16% of men filling the mirrors of the driver in front of them.

Men would certainly be the first to give another driver the middle finger salute though, wouldn't they? Not so fast...31% of women said yes, while only 27% of men said they had. What about stealing a parking spot someone else was waiting for? The men win this category 13% to 9%.

When it comes to using the horn to prod someone driving too slowly, men were more aggressive here too, with 43% agreeing they had done this. Only 39% of women admitted to this practice.

So, who would be more likely to ding another's car in a parking lot and drive off? Turns out 8% from both sides said yes. So THAT'S where all those marks come from.

So what do the real statistics say? It would indicate that men are more aggressive, get more tickets and are involved in more accidents. Can you say testosterone? Young men in particular are driving challenged. More than twice as many males in the 16-19 year old age group become involved in accidents than their female counterparts.

So where is the final proof? It may come from those who make a living looking at driving statistics, those in the auto insurance industry. Sorry guys, it's true...women pay less than men. That can only lead us to believe that men are the worse drivers.

Either way, many insurance companies offer discounts for taking a defensive driving course or take online traffic school. These courses can be taken online for a nominal cost and the savings from the insurance rate reduction (5% to 15% discount) will significantly outweigh the cost of the course-and the course is available to both men and women!

Tips on Driving at Night

Driving at night is probably quite dangerous. For some reason, people are afraid when they had to drive after dark. However, when you were in a situation where you had to, you will have to know a few things that can help you own the road. It does not matter whether it is dark or not. If you know how to drive at night, you will not have problems at all when you had to drive after dark. Here are a few simple tips to ensure you that it is safe to drive after dark.

It Is All About Lighting

First, you need to understand that your ability in seeing color or your vision will be worse in low light. This is the reason that you are feeling tired very quickly when you had to drive after dark. In that case, you will have increase your headlights beam and aim them into the right directions. However, please do not turn on distant light at a crowdie road. It will be very dangerous because your light will block cars from the opposite direction.When you are diving after dark, it is important to turn off your dash light. Most luxury cars have this kind of expensive interior lights. When it is dark outside, you need to be focus in seeing the road. Make sure that you dim your instrument panel and dash light.Some people are wearing glasses only for style. However, when it comes to driving at night, it is very crucial for you to not searing the wrong glass. If you see an advertisement that yellow-tint sunglasses can help you see better at night, you should not believe them.You may see an animal crossing road at anytime when you are driving after dark. To make sure that you are not going to hit any kind of animal, you need to become a retina spotter. If you see something at the end of the road, slow down as quickly as possible and try to drive around to avoid the animals.When you are about to see a car that is coming through the opposite direction, doo not stare to the light. It is important for you to stay focus on the road. If you stare at the light only to see who is driving, it will only destruct your sight.Driving at night may cause less clear windshield. In that case, do not touch your inside windshield with your hand. It will cause smear at the surface. In that case, you can use newspaper or any kind of clean fabric that can wipe up the windshield.When it is foggy, it is important for you to use the bolt on fog lights. These lights can help you see further, when it is dark and foggy. One thing that you should remember is that fog lights can create a large shadow in a small rock. In that case, you do not have to be shocked when you are about to see a large shadow in front of your car.

Do Not Drive When You Are Sleepy

The last one is not to drive when you are sleepy. It is important for you to keep your eyes wide open. If you feel tired, feel free to stop at anytime and take some nap a little or ask your friends to drive while you can sleep for couple of minutes.

Rieka Juwita Photo Rieka Juwita currently working at an authorized of Suzuki cars dealer in Jakarta. She have wrotes numerous of articles about automotive, including on Rate this Article

Tips on Driving at NightRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Rieka Juwita has published 9 articles. Article submitted on August 26, 2013. Word count: 559

A large number of accidents happen on the road. A significant proportion of these accidents can be attributed to incorrect driving behavior, inadequate road knowledge and poor response to road settings and signs.

Written by: Ritesh Maity

There is no doubt that driving is an amazing and out of the world experience for most of us. Any person who owns a posh car but does not know driving is someone who has to be really pitied! You might appoint a driver for this purpose but the importance of knowing to drive.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Driving Schools are initiated to train and develop a fully professional driver to perform his duties in trucking industry of New York, United States of American.

Written by: Sarah R Plemmons

With the UK experiencing a changing weather system, a few basic pointers to help you keep safe, hopefully the article will help promote thoughtful driving and keep cars on the road.

Written by: Mike Kiing

Calgary Driving School - Learn Driving in Affordable Rate

Driving lessons are not only important for young people, rather they provide wonderful help to middle aged people. Whether you wish to attend a fresher's party in your college or an official meeting, driving slowly and in a systematic way will benefit you to a larger extent. Even many mature people would require taking a brush up course. This Calgary driving school is the best organization to deal with all types of driving lessons.

Avoiding reckless driving

Now and then you may find news in television as well as newspaper about the accident that took place due to the reckless driving. But, after getting lessons and learning about the traffic rules from the Calgary driving school, people can be cautious and avoid accidents. Sometimes the reckless drivers who are penalized due to accidents are also trained in this driving school so that next time they can drive safely.

Hands on experience

It is true that theory is important for each and every training module, but along with the theory, hands on experience are also important. The experience trainers can easily provide hands on experience to each and every individual. The practical classes provide a good experience for individual while they are totally ready to drive the vehicle. After you passed the examination conducted by the authority, you can easily get certification. Once you become a license holder, you will be free to drive the vehicle wherever you like and whenever you wish. Here you can easily get best driving lessons from the experienced instructors at driving schools in Calgary..

Booking for different courses

You can now find variety of courses in driving schools. It will be easy for you to have a look at the courses and subject included in such courses and then selects the appropriate course according to your requirement. Some of the courses are categorized as class 5 training, class 4 training, brush up courses etc. It will be mandatory to visit the class if you are really willing to take up the practical training. Since you are going to get training from the school imparting best driving lessons Calgary, it will also be important to get it in exchange of a fee. But at Calgary, you can easily get all these in affordable rate. You won't face any trouble with regard to any hidden fee. Thus, it will be really amazing to learn driving from a well known organization and at a low fee. This fee will be within the budget of any individual.

Driving 101 is one of the famous, most appreciated and Best Driving School Calgary . Driving 101 highly experienced driving instructors have the necessary qualifications to offer a variety of courses for the beginner and experienced.

How To Avoid Distracted Pedestrian Injuries?

The consequences of distracted driving have been a debate subject over the years, which has led almost all states across the country to put some sort of laws into effect that penalize those who use their cell phones while driving. Apart from motorists, a lot of pedestrians get injured in accidents caused by distracted drivers, too. But, pedestrian safety is affected by another factor, in addition to distracted driving. It's distracted walking, which refers to pedestrians who are talking on their cell phones, typing text messages, or doing some other distracting activity while walking down a sidewalk or crossing a street.

In 2010, over 1,500 people got injured while walking on a street and using their cell phones at the same time. The number of injuries caused by distracted walking has been climbing steadily during the last couple of years. There is lots of scientific evidence proving that talking on a cell phone while walking causes a cognitive distraction. It takes a lot of brain power to talk on a phone and stay aware of your surroundings while walking.

Distracted pedestrians are not only a hazard to themselves, but to other road users, as well. A lot of drivers end up hitting another car or some other object as they try to avoid a pedestrian crossing a street against a red light. That's why various states are trying to come up with different ways to prevent people from talking on cell phones while walking. Some states have implemented laws that make this activity illegal, imposing fines for those who do it, while others have only launched various campaigns to raise people's awareness of this issue.

When it comes to distracted walking laws, there is the example of the state of Utah, where legislators passed a law with a $50 fine for distracted walking, but only around Utah Transit Authority rail lines. Legislators were motivated to pass this law by the high number of train accidents that have happened recently.

There are some states that don't punish distracted walking in any way, such as Delaware and New York, where large stickers with the words "Look Up" have been placed on sidewalks near crosswalks, reminding pedestrians to take a look around them and see whether it's safe to cross the street before they set a foot on the crosswalk.

Finally, pedestrians should remember to put down their phones while walking, or step to the side when talking, in case they really have to make a phone call. Also, they should avoid listening to music and reading a book while walking.

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How To Avoid Distracted Pedestrian Injuries?Not Rated Yet

Jordan Perch has published 7 articles. Article submitted on August 26, 2013. Word count: 423

Rally schools offer training for both, the racing driver and the average motorists. Better driving skills are more needed in the winter time when driving on the snow can be very hard and risky. This article will offer an overview on these schools and their training.

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Auto glass, including the windshield, are crucial elements of the car.

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In the event of a motorcycle accident in Florida, you'll be up against additional laws, insurance requirements together with regulations imposed by federal regulations and Florida State.

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To ensure the safety of your vehicle, MOTs are required annually - these entail a wide range of checks and inspections. Ensure your vehicle passes every time by avoiding these common MOT pitfalls.

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Good Reasons To Make The Switch To New Rebounding Traffic Bollards

It would be wonderful if we could generally operate on the belief that accidents aren't going to take place, but when we do, it tends to end up worse for us when something does go wrong. The same principle is the reason we have things such as seatbelts, which can be somewhat uncomfortable, but are definitely worth it if we get in an accident, literally saving lives. Roadside barriers and traffic bollards are yet another way that we can prepare ourselves in the event of a disaster. There are many useful applications for bollards. Whereas a marine bollard is a vertical post to which a rope is tied to moor a vessel at a dock, land bollards are almost all used to hamper the passage of automobiles. In some cases, a bollard will keep automobiles from unintentionally entering a pedestrians-only area. A bollard may also be used to stop unauthorized vehicles from entering high-security zones. While some serve as a guideline for parking or for a single vehicle to use as a reference, bollards which are designed for traffic use are usually defined as such because they manage the flow of multiple moving vehicles. What this can normally mean is that bollards will be hit more infrequently, but will take a lot more impact when they do.

A traditional bollard that is constructed from cement will shatter when the post is hit by an automobile traveling at a high enough speed. Removing the remains of a destroyed bollard, especially one that is buried slightly in the ground, can be far more trouble than putting in the new bollard. A bollard that is used for traffic, compared to one that is used for parking, must be sturdier to compensate for the extra impact it must endure. Like its smaller cousin, a larger bollard can have a similar design. The ability to angle somewhat under impact and then return to their original vertical position is an element that is built into newer more innovative bollard designs. These bollards do not need to be immediately replaced when they take a significant impact because their structural stability is able to remain intact.

The elastomer inside of each bollards base is the key to these rebounding bollards. When it's hit, at an angle that is not greater than twenty degrees, or less than a quarter of a right angle, this highly elastic material allows the post to tilt. This absorbs enough of the kinetic energy from a typical impact to keep the bollard intact, and because the elastic material returns to its original shape in very little time, the bollard is ready for use again very quickly. These bollards also cause a lot less damage to the automobiles that hit them, which is a big relief to the drivers that hit them. Roads tend to change.

Cities are constantly going through growth and change and as this occurs, one part of town may thrive as another falls into disrepair and one road becomes less used as another brand new road takes its place. If you ever discover that you have a need to relocate one or more of these rebounding bollards, the bollards' design will make this job much easier than with standard bollards. Additionally, their construction does not require that the complete structure be taken apart if a single damaged part needs to be replaced. If you had been having problems with the old style of bollard, then out with the old and in with the new. Experience the benefits of rebounding traffic bollards by finding an internet retailer today.

Greatly enhanced flexible traffic bollards has helped lower the velocity of damage as well as problems for automobiles as well as people. Rate this Article

Good Reasons To Make The Switch To New Rebounding Traffic BollardsNot Rated Yet

Megan Gerlach has published 1 article. Article submitted on August 12, 2013. Word count: 595

Used cars are the most searched and demand products but they are having some of the prime features that can make the buyers more enthusiastic and can enrich them with economical deals. Here are the details that can make it possible to make cheap car buying easier in USA.

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Everyone has a dream to make the online trucking website best truck junction, but it demands some sincere efforts and aggressive approach. Some of the leading requirements are the wider availabilities of trucks like the semi trucks, dump trucks, lifted trucks and tow trucks.

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There are a vast majority of people who feel that since they are careful, courteous and law abiding citizens' defensive driving courses are not applicable for them. But this is a highly redundant notion since the techniques taught helps not only to take responsibility...

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Repair technology has improved, and a professionally applied polymer-based resin can often make the window look nearly as good as new.

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Learn Defensive Driving And Hit The Roads

Choosing your driving instructor is a big decision to take, when you want to learn. The skills that you learn during the initial days of your driving will always remain with you for the rest of your life. Driving involves a lot of risk with it. Now a days, the roads have become so busy, that it is too difficult to come out with your vehicles. When you are out on the streets, you need to learn safely because you cannot control the actions of other drivers, but you can avoid the dangers caused by other's only by learning and updating defensive skills.

When you are behind the wheels, you have to think of several things: road conditions, your speed and your positions, observing traffic laws, signs and signals, being aware of vehicles around you, following directions and checking the rare mirrors.

Advantages of defensive driving course:

With defensive driving course, students learn to improve their skills by reducing their risks. Defensive driving course helps us in anticipating situations and making the learn safer. These courses are provided in our schools and we look to provide you with the best of training. The benefit of defensive course in a driving in Long Island is that, it provides classroom teaching as well as online classes. The advantage is that, you can sit at home and take some hours of training at your own place. Aggressive drivers make the roads hazardous, and going by stats, they are responsible for one third of all traffic crashes.

Why driving school in long island?

Learn driving in long island is a cost efficient method of improving one's record and defensive skills. School in NYC really help you get a great start to a experience. The cost for joining learn driving in long island is pretty affordable, and this comes along with reduced rates on car insurance and other incentives. The instructor at school in NYC uses a very systematic method of training. They help you in correcting your mistakes, so that you are able to pass your road test. The driving school in long island helps you in knowing the states rules, regulations and laws and helps you understand the behavior of other drivers with you on the roads. This will lead to fewer accidents, since you can anticipate others actions present there.

AA Automobile Club of Long Island Inc. is the driving school in NYC, which provides you with the best of defensive course, as well as makes you aware of the rules, which are running in the state.

AA Automobile club is the author of this article. In this article he has shared lot of knowledge about Driving School in Long Island and Defensive Driving Course. He has written many articles on Driving School.

Look Ahead with Accommodating Driving Learning Process

Learning driving lessons is an exciting experience to start on, so it's essential that you select the right car operating school for you. Many students approach to a driving school in the hope that they will pass the car operating test quickly and short term of period. However, it is not possible for unqualified and inexperience with driving instructor. Finding Driving Instructors in Adelaide is not a hard nut to crack. There are so many car operating schools that offer personal web portals online and give complete information about their classes as well as fees.

Every car instructor follow different approaches and employs special methods when teaching their students which is why it is important to find a method that suits your learning requirements. You can start your searching for driving schools in your nearby area and list down your searches that positively catch your attention. If browsing internet for Adelaide Driving Instructor, it is important to that doesn't fascinate with the looks of the website, also check out services, programs and fee. Choose an institute who has certified car operating instructors and provide service to all Adelaide suburbs and hills.

Check out different points you should keep in your mind before finalize any classes:

Pass rate: What is the qualifying rate of the driving test giving by the selected institute? Go and check. The high the pass rate, you have more chances to get success. You can demand the proof from the driving school for pass rate.

Fee and discount: Car operating schools normally attract students through discounted prices and offers for the new comers. Sometime it remains beneficial but situation arrives when you get attracts from such offers and ruined your money comfortably. Also check whether driving instructors are reliable or not? Offers are admirable in order to save money, but very low prices may compromise the quality of your driving lessons.

Previous Student Testimonial: Check the ABC Driving School and read the testimonials of the students who have leave their comments related to their past experience. When and if you decide to approach the school that seems appealing to you, solve as many queries as possible about the company to make sure that you will be happy with their service.

There are so many car operating schools available in Adelaide, choosing the best Driving Instructors in Adelaide can be difficult. Go and check online websites to find out the best school for own.

ABC Driving School: One should always look into the qualifying measures of the Driving Schools and the driving Instructor. They need to have all the compulsory certifications and license to become Adelaide Driving Instructor.

Methods to Subside The Storm of Sleep While Trucking In The Night!

Trucking filled with adventure, you are safe till you are alert and if you slip the other side, you are in danger. Biggest risk of accidents is massively increasing day by day. Reasons are many to specify, but prevention is better than cure!

Truckers should be honored for their hard work, dedication and the love they have for the nation. There are no timings followed for trucking. Any day, any time work keeps flooding in. You need to be prepared for all the consequences coming your way. However, delivery is done on time, no matter it is morning or evening.

However, if there is an urgent delivery to take place, night trucking cannot be ignored. Here are some accepted ways to keep you stirring all night.

Understanding the limitations of your body before fixing up the night trucking.Cling to singing, hearing songs or murmuring something all night to keep your sleep away. You can also indulge in few dance steps if you are fond of dancing at the truck stop. (No dancing on the road like we read in fiction books though!).Get a companion, friend or your spouse to share the distance together or simply someone to accompany you all the way till your destination.Indulge in light meals rather than fixing a heavy meal. Usually, heavy meals should be avoided as it brings down your body pace and finally, leading to tiredness. Grabbing healthy snacks from time to time would indeed help you in staying awake.Go for Driver's Alarm, an instrument like which fits in your ears perfectly. It would start beeping as your neck inclines down due to sleep.Keep your side window open. The chill passing air will not let you sleep.Short walk can act marvelous while you are retreating yourself midway.It is recommended to catch good sleep during the day time and the night before so that sleep would be no where around you while driving. You are likely to eliminate accidents as well.

Drinking Would Keep Your Sleep Away... Check Out The Beverages You Can Consume While Driving:

Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant, temporarily warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness. It is highly recommended and also found effective. (Do take up a detail study of caffeine before consuming it).Sip iced tea with a punch of lemon. Effective energy drink plus can give your body great relaxation.Take fruits like Apple and Banana are packed with natural energy molecules.Chewing gums make you to fight drowsiness.

You can carry spicy, hot, tasty snacks to keep munching all the way and stimulating your taste buds and mind alive.

With night trucking as a job role for the month or week, it is indeed difficult to run around and file your return to IRS. E-filing is the simplest and the easiest, less time consuming unlike paper filing. supports e-filing of various forms online. Your work is customized into simple; computer based form where you need to file in the basic business details and submits your form 2290 to IRS and choosing the method of payment.

Once your return is approved by IRS, you receive your schedule-1 copy in minutes. Isn't it as easy as 1...2...3...! Yes it is, indeed. So truckers, no matter which corner of the world you are rolling, file your return right from seat within minutes. August has slipped in, time is flying by. Do file your return online at and experience the magic yourself. Happy e-filing truckers!

Flora Anderson, an e-tax professional at a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290, Form 720, Form 8849 etc, my articles will reflect trucker friendly ideologies, methods and steps to e-file your forms with ease. For any queries, you can reach @ 866-245-3918 or email us on for instance response. Rate this Article

Methods to Subside The Storm of Sleep While Trucking In The Night!Not Rated Yet

Flora Anderson has published 19 articles. Article submitted on August 13, 2013. Word count: 570

Everyone has a dream to make the online trucking website best truck junction, but it demands some sincere efforts and aggressive approach. Some of the leading requirements are the wider availabilities of trucks like the semi trucks, dump trucks, lifted trucks and tow trucks.

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While you're waiting you begin to set up the first call to your insurance provider. The tow truck arrives but, you don't know where to send your car yet, you haven't been able to obtain a referral that quickly from your insurance agent.

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A number of dealers put out bikes on sale. Of course most of them are Second Hand Bikes that have been used by someone and are now put on sale. The Second Hand Bikes have been serving the best choice for those who cannot afford a brand new bike.

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The most important thing while riding on your bicycle is that, are you comfortable with your ride. Importantly while riding with mountain bikes. Size of the bike and distance between your feet to ground matters a lot.

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