How Driving Instructors in Leicester Teach better than Friends and Family

Driving instructors in Leicester are becoming ubiquitous on Leicester roads, but why is this so? It's very simple to understand why. Motoring, for some, is fast becoming a necessary means to certain ends. Job prospects, family logistics and so on make people think of lessons to improve their driving skills. Even the cold weather on public buses are dampening many a mood of the average commuter.

However, the power and independence that driving offers is a double edged sword. As popular culture is apt to say;

"With Great Power comes Great Responsibility."

So if you need to improve your own driving skills and you need look for driving instructors in Leicester, here are a few ideas to get you off the ground.

Think Road Safety First.

It is paramount to think about road safety. Suffice it to say that friends and family can teach you how to drive in the United Kingdom, if they have had a full driving licence for three years and are at least 21 years of age. However, think of your driving supervisors' experience in dealing with nervous drivers. Think also of the possibility of dual-controls fitted into the tuition vehicle.

Most, if not all of the professional driving instructors in Leicester have specially adapted and insured tuition cars for this purpose. If finance is making you think of friends for tutelage, at least use an approved instructor for your first few driving lessons before resorting to ordinary motoring supervisors.

Think legally.

Learning to drive implies moving a vehicle on public roads. If you want to do this legally, your practice car must be fit for purpose. So there must be a valid VED on display, MoT and at least 3rd party insurance cover for both learner and instructor.

A common problem some learner drivers have is raising the funds for car insurance cover, which can run into thousands. Another issue is getting friends insured on the car, and having the time to actually go out and teach you how to drive.

The benefit of having a fally qualified driving instructors is that they spend all their time ready to help you learn how to drive. As a result, using driving instructor, insurance is a given. There's some money well spent. It is very easy to get an ADI abe be schedule your training activities into his or her diary within three to four weeks; and when done correctly, it is possible to commit a driving instructor to give you up to five weeks in advance.

Driving Instructors teach with confidence.

One of the main qualities of a good driving instructor is the confidence to improve driving skills. Obviously, this comes with experience, but friends and family may be confident, but not have the skills to deal with familial tantrums, swearing and the occasional tears that a learner driver might resort to.

Professional driving instructors know how to ease learner drivers into a calm state of mind, even before sitting on the driver's seat. There is constant re-assurance, understanding of strengths and limitations.

In other words, a fully trained driving instructor is most likely to anticipate novice driver's errors and suggest remedies to deal with not only developing hazards but help pre-plan anticipant traffic and other road users.

Driving Test Specialists

Professional driving instructors know what questions you are most likely to be asked. They ply the roads regularly so know exactly what routes you might be driving on the practical driving test. Since most of their working life is on these same routes, they would be most helpful in planning your training routes.

Instructors know exactly what roads are having heavy traffic, so maximise your learning opportunities on less busier roads, unless the actual driving lessons is to do with slow moving traffic. The driving instructor would use language the driving test examiner is most likely to use during a driving test. This will come in very handy, especially because you will be meeting your examiner for the first time approximately 5 minutes or less beforehand. Think also of the ease with which an instructor can get you to drive faster, sooner on high speed roads. This is always a grey area for novice supervisors. Using a Pass Plus registered instructor will help you learn to drive on dual carriage ways, in cities and at night, amongst other things.

Another advantage to using professional instructors is their ability to focus on any minute detail to do with motoring. Learning to drive is not permissible in places like the Netherlands, where the supervisor must be duely qaulified. And there's some common sense in that. In the Unites States of America, learning to drive in somehow weaved into the normal curiculum, so the whole concept is not too novel to aspirational wheel-turners.

Changing Legislation on driving standards

It is quite normal to see most drivers contravening traffic rules and regulations, not because they don't know how, but simply because they are none the wiser about recent changes in motoring regulations. A common example is driving on the right hand, or middle lane, on multiple lane scenarios.

Advanced Motoring Skills

One of the initiatives introduced to help young and new driviers is the Pass Plus programme. This course, recognised by government and championed by the car insurance industry, is tailored to ensure that new drivers continue to improve their motoring skills.

Country roads, City streets, dual carriage ways, Motorways and night time travel, especially in bad weather, can have a very distracting influence on young motorists. Further training, does help to boost confidence, experience, and general road safety.

There are ample instructors in Leicester offering this service. The great bonus, at the end of the course, is reduced car insurance premium whci has been known to save some people over three hundred pounds. Now there's a thought!

Cheap Driving Lessons

Instructors, keen to generate new business are also offering discounts, just to encourage safer motoring expereinces for learner-drivers. The internet is full of opportunities to save on tuition fees. So there's really very little need to panic about the cost of driving lessons.

Having read this article, would you let your teenage wanna-be wheeler be taught by some old friend who lacks the confidence or expereince, or a registered driving instructor?

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