Safe Driving Can Lead to More Fun in Future

"Days are gone when driving school just taught how to drive and get licence. Its time to teach safe driving with road safety." Says Ronak Shah, CEO, Onroad Driving School.

Just driving a car and driving a car with responsibility is two different things. Safe driving belongs to the category "driving a car with responsibility". It can be situation when you are driving carefully but still because of other's mistake you are getting injury. In many cases safe driving is very helpful even if other persons on road drive roughly. Tailgating, rear-end-crash, run-off-the-road, unable to break on time, sudden crash, etc can be avoided with safe driving practices.

Onroad Driving School, available in almost all suburbs of NSW, emphasis their students on learning safe driving only because the driver is responsible for not only his own self but also responsible for the safety of his/her fellow passengers. And he/she have to take care of pedestrians and other road siders. They teach students avoiding below bad habits.

Drink & Drive :

Maximum accidents in NSW happens because of drunk drivers and especially at night. Many a time innocent people get hurt with other's mistakes. Traffic officers checks for BAC - Blood Alcohol Content or Concentration in drivers, which tells how much content of alcohol is available in driver's body. And Drink & Drive is illegal also. Officers at check post have authority to make you punished.

What we educate:

If you are going to any party or other places, where occasion of drinking can occur, then plan in advance that who is going to drive when returning at home. When you will have somebody who can drive you to your home it can be safer for you.If your friend is going to drive till home, don't force him/her to drink.Take care while taking lift from anybody. If the driver is drunk, it can be risky to both of you.

Speed :

Road and Transport authority of each state have already fixed speed limit which is properly set as per various places of state.When you are driving to normal roads in NSW, the speed limit you need to follow is 50 km/h. While passing from school, the speed indicator must be lower or equal to 40 km/h. Highways allowed you to drive up to 100 km/h. Whereas motorways and freeways allowed you to drive up to 110 km/h.

What we educate:

How to maintain any speed limit and increase or decrease speed when you are passing from particular area.Don't test limits, no matters what hurry or condition is.If you are exceeding the limits, and there happens a situation when you need to break suddenly. And it is most likely to get in accident at this situation.Many people thinks that it is okay breaking speed limits when we are crossing rural area. But it big misunderstanding.

Seatbelt :

30 years ago, on 31st January 1983, the law mentioning, that all drivers must wear seatbelts came into force.

As a safety purpose, law requiring car manufacturers to install seatbelts in car came in force at year 1965. But till 18 years drivers were not forced to put on setbelts. In 1991, the law making adults put on seatbelts while driving applied as legal requirement and also the person in the back of car need to put on seatbelt.

What we educate:

When accident occurs, there are cases that your head hit with steering or other glass hardly, and you get injured. And how seatbelt helps you is, it stops you from hitting with anything.In many cases seatbelts are proven best protection while crash.

Mobile phones :

Using mobile phones while driving creates distraction, and many times it ends at major accident. It increases the risk of accident by at least 4 times. "run-off-the-road" or "rear-end-crash" or "tailgating" are the type of accidents occur when you are not concentrating on road. Whether you are talking on phone or texting message, the chances of accidents increase.

What we educate:

First thing you can do is to avoid calling or attending call.Legally you can not use phone or electronics equipments like hand-held phone while driving or even if you are sitting in car, i.e in traffic jam, at traffic signal, or in car parking.If there is any emergency that you have to talk, park your car aside, step out of car, finish the talk and then continue driving.Don't make other person talk while driving unless its required.

Some Traffic Rules We Should Obey :

If you are driving, its your duty to take care about pedestrians' safety.Lights on your car must be in working condition. Whether its side lights or hazard indication they must be in working state.Avoid overnight driving or continues driving to hours. Lack of sleep or relaxation of mind can create disaster.

"It is our aim to create awareness among the people about the importance of safety while driving and hope that this initiative undertaken by us will help to decrease the number of road accidents being caused due to negligence." - Ronak Shah.

Onroad Driving School provides Driving Lessons with safe driving instructions too. Which helps to lead a long safe life. There are many road safety initiatives taken at a global level. Onroad Driving School is Just taking Initiative to make people aware about true way of driving and this way of positive attitude of Onroad make the winner of 3 Business Awards in last 5 years.

Ronak Shah Onroad Driving School Sydney Award Winning Driving School in Sydney Greystanes | Australia +61 2 9863 3555

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